Monday, 27 February 2017

Check Out More 'Journey to Un'Goro' 'Hearthstone' Cards

Now that we know that Hearthstone's [Free] next expansion is Journey Un'Goro, let's check out some more of the new cards. Most of them were talked about on the official announcement video. First of all, check out the new Quest cards, a really fun new mechanic that I can't wait to get my hands on. When you play the 1-mana Awaken the Makers Priest Quest spell (the first Legendary spell ever by the way) and then manage to summon 7 Deathrattle minions, you get Amara, Warden of Hope, a 5-mana 8/8 Legendary minion that sets your hero's Health to 40. The fun part is that your opponent will be able to follow the progress of your Quest and act accordingly.

The other new mechanic is called Adapt, which you can see in the 5-mana 5/4 Druid Beast Verdant Longneck. Adapt allows you to change a minion into an elemental in a Discover-like mechanic. You'll be given three options and you'll choose one of them to buff the Adapt minion. Similar to the Kazakus spell, there are many adaptations (a total of ten) - although no combos so far - that you can pick from ranging from +3 Attack, Divine Shield, Windfury, Taunt, and more.

We'll also get Volcano, a 5-mana Shaman spell that deals 15 damage randomly split among all minions; while the heroes are safe, this one can clear up the board in no time. Pyros is another interesting card; this 2-mana 2/2 Elemental Mage Legendary has a Deathrattle return this to your hand as a 6/6 that costs (6). And then, that 6/6 Elemental has a Deathrattle that returns it to your hand as a 10-mana 10/10. I wonder what kind of Elemental synergies we'll be able to get with this one. That's it for now regarding cards. Check out the new primordial-looking board we're getting once the expansion hits. Journey to Un'Goro will drop at some point in April, so stay tuned for more spoilers soon. And remember, you can pre-purchase 50 packs here and get a cool card back.


Check Out More 'Journey to Un'Goro' 'Hearthstone' Cards posted first on

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