Friday, 31 March 2017

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City walkthrough – Ringed City Streets

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City throws a tough mini-boss, a swamp, the meat of Lapp’s NPC quest and a boatload of hazards at us today.


This Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City walkthrough explores the mostly optional area around the Ringed City bonfire. Our primary goal in this area is to open the shortcut gate, and you can do that in about five minutes if you just sprint through all the enemies. Just scroll down to the shortcut gate section if you want to get it over with.

If you do want to explore, though, this area has a lot to offer. There’s a mini-boss returning Dark Souls fans will be overjoyed to see and some good items in among all the horror. The good news is that the swamp in this area is not poisonous, so you can explore at your leisure.

Keep an eye – and an ear – out for locusts (cricket men) as you roam. Many of them sit submerged in the water, only a bit of head showing. The ones you encounter around the edges tend to be passive, merely startling you by mumbling to themselves, but closer to the centre they’ll ambush and attack.

Don’t worry too much about the little locusts. These babies will only attack if you get very close or if they’re with a bigger locust who aggro’s on you.

Exploring the swamp – clockwise

Exit the bonfire room the same way you came in and either kill the locust guarding the path or drop down over the nearby ledges to the left to avoid him for now.

The swamp is spread out like a circle before you and we’re going to start by going clockwise. Cut across the middle, close to the little island made by the sunken rooftop, to avoid spawning and attracting the Halva knights at the bottom of the stairs.

Hug the left wall and you’ll go around another sunken rooftop to spot a locust. Kill it so you can grab the twinkling titanite.

Continue on along the left wall to find a ramp made by a fallen beam. Run up it to kill a humpback man. There’s nothing up here, but he’s an annoyance as you run around this area, casting his spell at you. When he’s down, head down to kill the locust patrolling around the building. Try to stay on the wall side of the building, not the swamp side, or you may attract the attention of the grey giant. If that happens, run back to the edge of the swamp and wait for him to get over it.

Now we’re going to head up the road winding up the hill, which unfortunately is guarded by three humpback men. Battling them all at once is annoying, and it’s hard to snipe them, but try to get the one on the rise above you with arrows at least. As usual, hidden body is great for ensuring you only fight one at a time if you can’t get them with rapid sniping.

In the curve of the road up the hill you’ll find a white birch bow – its special skill is great for sniping at enemies who normally dodge arrows – and at the top there’s a titanite chunk.

The curve of the road is a great place to snipe at the five locusts and three humpback men scattered around the area below, luring them to you one at a time for dispatch. When they’re gone you can gather three young white branches. There’s also some rubbish by the island with the pillar.

Keep on hugging the left wall to enter the little dome. Another humpback man is waiting inside, plus any who fled your sniping, and up to two humpback men will aggro from the surroundings as you beat up the one inside. Kill them all to collect the Church Guardian Shiv – not a weapon but a consumable.

We’re very close to the miniboss now, so it’s a good idea to snipe any nearby locusts, luring them in and getting rid of them, to avoid complications if you decide to leg it.


Iron Dragonslayer mini-boss and grey giant

As you push further into the swamp you’ll start seeing dead Halva knights. This means the Iron Dragonslayer is close. (If you aggro him and regret it, you may ned to run all the way back to the bonfire to lose him.)

This is a really tough duel: the Iron Dragonslayer is Ornstein, a notorious boss from the first Dark Souls. He’s a little easier on his own than with his old buddy Smough, but still troubling. He drops the Iron Dragonslayer set.

Ornstein isn’t really cheesable, as far as I can tell, so if you aren’t ready for a rough duel and can’t find summons to help you out: just skip him. You don’t need his fancy pants anyway. The loot near him is negligible – two titanite scales.

If you are going to try it, speed trumps survivability unless you have summons with you; unless you go pretty heavy you won’t survive many of Ornstein’s attacks, so it’s better not to be hit if you can manage it. Get in close to him and stay by his left hip, dodging under his attacks, then attacking once and circling again. If you see him winding up with his blade held as if he were drawing a sword, motor on out of there as far and as fast as you can to avoid a very tricky horizontal sweep.

Whether or not you beat up the Iron Dragonslayer, you can also choose to tackle or ignore the grey giant in the swamp. Again, if you decide to do this, make sure you clear out any nearby locusts since you don’t need that on your plate.

Because of the melee phantoms and lack of good cover in the swamp, it’s far easier to get in close and melee the giant, skipping out of reach of his melee phantoms as they appear, than to cheese him with arrows. He tends not to summon archers when you’re very close, and if he does, just circle to put the giant between you and them.

Once again, skipping this is a perfectly viable option and the loot is negligible: a hidden blessing from the giant itself, and a titanite chunk nearby. It’s almost like Dark Souls 3 is saying “hey, choose your battles” in this DLC.


Unlocking the shortcut

Now we want to check out the other side of the swamp and unlock the shortcut gate. If you don’t want to fight these enemies, just sprint past everything, following these directions to reach the gate and hopefully unlock it before your pursuers murder you. Hit the bonfire again to end the horror.

There’s some good loot to grab if you can face them, though. Starting at the bonfire (don’t rest if you don’t need to; we don’t want all the baddies coming back) and set out again, this time travelling anti-clockwise and hugging the right wall.

Note: if you didn’t kill the giant, make sure it’s walking away or at the far end of its patrol before venturing out where it might see you. If it aggros, run all the way back to the bonfire and hide, dodging the phantoms that arise, until it forgets you. Also, be wary of venturing too far towards the Iron Dragonslayer area if he’s still alive.

As you proceed around the swamp, kill or ignore the locust in the first alcove and keep circling around, hugging the right wall. A locust will ambush you from the water on your left as you do.

Grab the titanite chunk and the large soul of a weary warrior from the swamp and its edge in this area, but then keep on hugging the right wall to go around the little headland and climb up among some ruins. Your locust NPC is here for a chat, and you can grab the Ringed Knight Straight Sword.

If you look out over the swamp you’ll see a submerged tower with an item glow. Four locusts are hidden in the water around it, but they won’t ambush till you get right up close to the item, so you’ll probably want to snipe their heads to draw them out. Watch out for the grey giant here, too. If you get in trouble, run straight back up to where you grabbed the Ringed Knight Straight Sword and drop down the other side to reach the bonfire room where you can hide out for a few minutes before heading back. The item is the White Preacher Right Arm, a sorcery catalyst.

Keep on advancing along hugging the right wall to spot a narrow spire with an item glow. A locust is waiting to ambush you there, so snipe him out to make it easier to get the soul of a weary warrior without aggro’ing the giant – if he’s around.

Now you want to climb onto the roof of the building here, but there are multiple enemies waiting. First, there’s a ringed knight standing on guard. After you approach the building, a second ringed knight begins patrolling around the building, clockwise. A third ringed knight will drop down and head off to a side area to stand guard on his own, while a fourth ringed knight drops down to stand with the first one. So there’s a lot of potential for an absolute clusterfuck here – especially if the grey giant and iron dragonslayer are still hanging around, limiting your escape options.

I found it easiest to cast hidden body and use that to sneak past to a large boulder along the cliff edge beyond (where there’s a titanite chunk), and then cheese (good old snipe-and-run-away) from this line-of-sight breaking cover. If you don’t have hidden body, you’ll probably want to try and snipe the first one from the swamp, or lure him there to duel, then run past the building as the others drop in. There are two items to grab in this area – the Black Witch Veil is in a little nook next to the ringed knight who stands on his own, and a piece of twinkling titanite is hidden on the building if you climb to the highest point. Alternately, you can of course just sprint past all this.

Navigationally, your goal is just to use the submerged building as a ramp allowing you to drop down onto the rocky area on the far side. Make sure you drop down to just above the swamp, not on the cliff side, or you’ll just end up back by the lone ringed knight guard area again.

Ignore the road leading across the ravine for now and instead walk along the ledge above the swamp until you see a lit doorway. Enter and open the shortcut gate back to the bonfire.


“Show Your Humanity”: Lapp’s NPC quest and the Purging Monument

With the shortcut to the next area active, it’s time to do a last clean up of Ringed City Streets and complete a bit more of Lapp’s NPC quest.

One of the statues in the room outside the shortcut gate has fallen down, allowing you to read the engraving behind it, “show your humanity”. To unlock this secret, go back out through the bonfire room to the swamp, stand in the water and use Chameleon or a young white branch until you are turned into a black figure – a humanity. Walk back to the engraving in this form (remember not to interact or attack, or the spell breaks) and read it again to make a ladder appear.

There’s a one-way drop at the end of the path leading to an area patrolled by two ringed knights and guarded by a grey giant. If you don’t have hidden body this is very tough for cheesy types so you may just want to run right through.

Your goal is a spot on the far side of the area, past the grey giant and on the same side, where you can go down some stairs to a slightly lower ledge. From here, with cat’s ring or Spook you can drop to another lower ledge; there is a ladder but it’s hard to find in a panic. The drop you want on the right as you face across the great stairs; dropping to the left will put you way back and in considerable danger.

At the end of this path you’ll find a wretch and the Dragonhead Shield. Turn back and go the other way to grab a large soul of a crestfallen knight and pray to the purging monument. This can clear sin and hollowing, and revive the DLC boss if you want another go. For now just activating is enough; we want to take this info back to Lapp.

Up next

Coming soon.

The easiest way to get back to Lapp is to drop down to the stairs using Spook or Cat’s Ring, then face out into the swamp. Turn left and hug the wall, watching out for the humpedback men, to climb the ladder. Kill or avoid the two ringed knights and overgrown wretch across the bridge, then push through to the end to find Lapp. We’ve described this route before.

We’ve pantsed this area pretty thoroughly now, so tomorrow we’ll take a look at that ravine – and maybe the dragon you may have noticed flapping about in the vicinity.

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City walkthrough – Ringed City Streets posted first on

Missed any of our previous tourneys? We have them up on the new youtube! Subscribe :D …

Missed any of our previous tourneys? We have them up on the new youtube! Subscribe :D …

Missed any of our previous tourneys? We have them up on the new youtube! Subscribe :D … posted first on

300th Episode Spectacular - The TouchArcade Show #300

Ahhhh sorry for missing last week's episode of the podcast, but we're back and better than ever with our 300th episode. That's nearly six years of weekly podcastin', which is pretty crazy to think about. We kick off this week's show with what I've been doing the last couple weeks, the wild scale of esports, and the Hearthstone tournament. Games played on this episode include Death Road to Canada [$7.99], Gangstar New Orleans [Free], Meganoid 2017 [$3.99], Climb! [$1.99], Bethesda Pinball [Free], and Ballz [Free].

Don't forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to We read 'em all, and love decoding messages written entirely in emoji. As always, you can listen to us with the links below... And if you like what you hear, please subscribe and/or drop us a review in iTunes. Much appreciated!

Patreon backers get access to a ultra-rad video version of the podcast (you can get a taste of what they're like above), which you can view by clicking here. It includes us playing the games we're talking about as we're talking about them, and other fun surprises.

iTunes Link: The TouchArcade Show
Stitcher: The TouchArcade Show via Stitcher Radio for Podcasts [Free]
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Direct Link: TouchArcadeShow-300.mp3, 65MB

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TouchArcade Needs Your Help - Tell Your Friends and Support Our Patreon

It's a wrap for us this week here at TouchArcade, and provided nothing crazy happens in the world of iOS gaming, we'll see you again on Monday morning for Shaun's Update Mondays and Tasos's Touchstone Tavern Hearthstone [Free] roundup before diving in head-first to whatever awesome mobile games get released and whatever rad looking mobile games are coming soon. We've been doing this for years now, and to keep doing what we're doing, we need your help. Whether you're here for our game reviews, to read about upcoming games, find games on sale, listen to our podcast, or participate in your community, we're glad to have you. If the feeling is mutual, which I hope it is, there's a few things you can do to help keep TouchArcade alive in this weird changing world of mobile gaming, which for numerous reasons has jeopardized the future of third party editorial sites like ours.

1523002_484500591661776_1323592273_o-3-300x352First off, and the easiest, tell your friends about TouchArcade. Practically everyone has a smartphone now, and as Pokemon Go [Free] has shown, even total non-gamers are playing mobile games. If you see your friends have a bunch of junky games on their phone, they'd probably appreciate learning about a site and community like ours where they can find good stuff to play. Tell them about our podcast, encourage them to register for our forums, whatever you're comfortable with. Organic growth via trusted word of mouth is the best way to get other great people onto our little island of appreciating great mobile games, which really just makes things better for everyone.

Another easy thing you can do is if you read something on TouchArcade that you like, share it out to your online friends via Twitter or Facebook or posting the article on Reddit. Most of our traffic comes from Google, which means our top trafficked stories are consistently about (often dumb, or otherwise generally uninteresting) popular stuff. Shaun's RPG Reload series, which I think is some of the best content we put out, are always among our worst performing articles. I'd love if that eventually changed, but in order to get there, we need to depend on our core community of readers who I know appreciate our long-form content to help spread the word. Even a few people sharing those articles makes a significant difference.

A lot of people seem to discover TouchArcade via our podcast, and both subscribing and leaving us an iTunes review helps us appear higher in the iTunes charts and search results. Also, going back to my first point, in telling your friends, if you know someone who listens to a lot of gaming podcasts, it'd be great if you could recommend they check out ours.


All of those things can be done at no cost to you, and with practically no effort. If you want to help TouchArcade even further, these days we're primarily supported by Patreon. We're still a long way from our original goal which would allow us to do all sorts of stuff like creating even more content, cover even more events, and potentially even explore the feasibility of updating the existing app or creating an entirely new one. TouchArcade gets millions of visitors a month, and (as of this writing) barely over 500 of those people are Patreon backers. We'd love to see that number increase, as every dollar contributed directly goes back to making this site more awesome. Think of it as a magazine subscription, but you get way more than just one outdated issue a month.

Even if you're not willing to do any of this, thanks for visiting TouchArcade. We'll see ya' next week.


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TouchArcade Game of the Week: 'Meganoid 2017'

The idea behind the TouchArcade Game of the Week is that every Friday afternoon we post the one game that came out this week that we think is worth giving a special nod to. Now, before anyone goes over-thinking this, it doesn't necessarily mean our Game of the Week pick is the highest scoring game in a review, the game with the best graphics, or really any other quantifiable "best" thing. Instead, it's more just us picking out the single game out of the week's releases that we think is the most noteworthy, surprising, interesting, or really any other hard to describe quality that makes it worth having if you were just going to pick up one.

These picks might be controversial, and that's OK. If you disagree with what we've chosen, let's try to use the comments of these articles to have conversations about what game is your game of the week and why.

Without further ado…


Being a fan of the previous Meganoid games, and really pretty much everything from Orangepixel, I was really excited to see that a reboot of sorts was in the works. It didn't take long either, just a few months, before Meganoid 2017 [$3.99] arrived in the App Store this week. And after just a few minutes playing… I didn't like it. In this new Meganoid, you get thrown right into the fire without a ton of instruction, and I almost instantly died. Restarted quickly and… died again. Then I died again. Followed by another death, and another. You get the idea. Meganoid 2017 is not an easy game.

Here's the thing though. Where the first two Meganoids were more traditional platforming games, this one is a roguelike. I know that term gets thrown around left and right nowadays, but Meganoid 2017 embraces the key elements that make the roguelike genre tick. The levels are procedurally generated from a huge set of pre-designed chunks, so the levels feel different every time you play while still feeling familiar and allowing you to learn the various ins and outs that'll help you advance.

What really cracked Meganoid open for me though was the many gadgets you'll come across as you play. There's a really wide variety of things you can do in the game, and different ways you can manipulate the rules of the game, and how you tackle each and every challenge will come down to your personal preference and your own ingenuity. That's my favorite thing about roguelikes, how they deal you a random hand of cards and force you to play them to the best of your ability to be successful. I get that same feeling from Meganoid.

This game is freaking hard, though. Like, ouch hard. If you aren't prepared to die dozens of times over and over again, or if you're craving a normal level-based platforming game, then this might not be the right fit for you. But if you love dying dozens of times because the sense of satisfaction you get from that one glorious run where everything goes your way and you play your cards to perfection, then Meganoid 2017 should scratch that particular itch well. I feel like I'll be peeling back the layers of this onion for a long time.

TouchArcade Game of the Week: 'Meganoid 2017' posted first on

Late night NG Blue games!

Late night NG Blue games!

Late night NG Blue games! posted first on

Crescent Moon and Rossman Bros.' 'Get Me Outta Here' Submitted to App Store

Crescent Moon Games and the Rossman Bros. have announced that their new game Get Me Outta Here has been submitted to the App Store, and it's expected to release sometime in the next few weeks, quite possibly in April. Starring an old, balding farmer who got abducted by aliens, he has to fight his way off of an alien ship scheduled for destruction by humanity. They're willing to not blow up the ship if he can take care of these deadly aliens, who are just jerks. Seriously, they kidnapped and weaponized his cow. This old guy's got some moves, though I imagine his knees are gonna be killing him if he makes it out alive. You'll have a timer to contend with that extends with each boss you take out, but good luck staying alive that long.

Get Me Outta Here has a cool combo of high score chaser gameplay with an actual objective to go for. Various modifiers can help you by making the game easier at a cost of points, or get you higher scores through increased difficulty. The game will be free with various incentivized ads, but a full game unlock will be available, along with an "indie supporter" unlock that's more expensive, but contains several exclusive gun skins. Check this one out soon.

Crescent Moon and Rossman Bros.' 'Get Me Outta Here' Submitted to App Store posted first on 3s laddergames on Outlaw 3s laddergames on Outlaw 3s laddergames on Outlaw posted first on

'Deemo' Gets "Forgotten Hourglass" DLC Concluding Story

We have some fans of Deemo [$1.99], a rhythm game by Rayark, around here. And they're excited to find out that Deemo has new DLC today, concluding the story that started in 2013, continued in 2015, and is now finally at its conclusion. This DLC, "Forgotten Hourglass," features a multiple playthrough system, with new scenes to let players experience Deemo in ways that they hadn't done so before. 25 new songs are available, including classical pieces and works from modern musicians such as Michiru Ōshima. 10 new charts for Extra difficulty are available, and over 20 new collectible have been added. And if you want to see the ending of the game faster, the new light orb system is there to help you out.

There's more content outside of the "Forgotten Hourglass" DLC. If you bought the "Shattered Memories" DLC, 4 new free songs have been added to that. And the "Collaboration Collection" has the "Knots Way" song from Crusaders Quest [Free]. Plus, some UI, UX, and save game issues have been tweaked and fixed. This is set to be the final chapter for Deemo, but hey: games that get updates several years after release with DLC are few and far between. "Forgotten Hourglass" is available for a launch sale of $4.99.

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Going live on Twitch! Catch us here:

Going live on Twitch! Catch us here:

Going live on Twitch! Catch us here: posted first on

'Pixel Drifters' Lets You Do Donuts in a Weinermobile Next Week

Appsolute Games and Tarboosh Games are bringing Pixel Drifters to the App Store on April 6th. It's a pretty cool little game of car drifting, where your car is constantly accelerating, and you drift it around parking lots, collecting coins and trying not to crash. Collecting coins nets you points, and getting long strings of coins multiplies what you get. The whole thing kind of feels like if Thumb Drift [Free] met Pako [$1.99 / Free] but also pixel art was involved somehow.

This is a high score chaser, and Crossy Road [Free] style monetization is in. Each car that you unlock plays differently, and the cars vary from the practical to the absurd. Ever done donuts in a tank? You certainly can in this game! Get your Tokyo Drift on in a weinermobile? Awww yeah. Pixel Drifters hits on April 6th.

'Pixel Drifters' Lets You Do Donuts in a Weinermobile Next Week posted first on

Pokemon GO players caught over half a billion Magikarp during the Water Festival

The Pokemon GO Water Festival was a great success for those who caught a Magikarp.

The event, which kicked off last on week on March 22, made it easier for Pokemon GO players to catch Water-types Magikarp, Squirtle, Totodile and their evolutions.

According to a tweet from the official Pokemon GO account, players caught over 589 million Magikarp during the week-long event.

Word on how many Squirtle, Totodile or even Lapras were caught was not provided by Niantic Labs.

During the festival players will also handed a Magikarp Hat.

Just before the festival kicked off, an update to the game was applied. It will hand players random item for evolving Pokemon to those who hit a seven day streak at PokeStops.

Pokemon GO players caught over half a billion Magikarp during the Water Festival posted first on

'Blitz Brigade: Rival Tactics' Announced by Gameloft, Pre-Registration Now Available

Gameloft is set to bring their entry into the Clash Royale [Free] genre, or the "collectable card arena" as I've heard other developers in the genre diplomatically refer to it. Blitz Brigade: Rival Tactics takes the aesthetics of Blitz Brigade [Free], a solid Team Fortress 2 clone for mobile, and brings them to a game where you have energy that slowly recharges, 4 units in your hand to deploy at a time, and bases to invade with 2 towers and a main base. You know the formula, kids. But hey, at least it's got a slick isometric look. And you never know with these games: they may look similar, but one or two small changes can mean a whole lot to the game experience. Or not!

If you are intrigued by this, well, good news: pre-registration has opened up. The more people that sign up, the better the community rewards on launch. It doesn't look like the game has quite soft launched yet, but Gameloft's been region-locking games recently anyway, so you might have to wait for the global launch regardless.

'Blitz Brigade: Rival Tactics' Announced by Gameloft, Pre-Registration Now Available posted first on

'Faily Tumbler' is the Vehicle-less Crash Simulator Spinoff of 'Faily Brakes' and 'Faily Rider'

We've had cars with no brakes, motorcycles with no brakes, probably skateboards with no brakes, and now we've simply got nothing to blame our crashing on but our bodies themselves. Faily Tumbler is the new project from Spunge Games which takes one of the best parts of both Faily Brakes [Free] and Faily Rider [Free] and makes an entire game out of it. You see, in those previous games you were stuck in a vehicle with no brakes and the object was to avoid crashing for as long as possible as you careened down increasingly hazardous environments. Inevitably you'd crash, at which point your character would fly from the vehicle and crash in spectacular ragdoll fashion allowing you to try and skillfully prolong the crash to eek out just that little bit of extra distance to add to your score.

Faily Tumbler is basically that crash mode turned into its own game. You play as Phil Faily's caveman ancestor who, upon trying to collect eggs along the surface of a volcano, accidentally causes the volcano to erupt. This sends him tumbling down the mountain, and while your goal is still to avoid hitting the major hazards and keep your run going as long as possible, you're doing it using the ragdoll crashing from the previous games, as well as some special helpers along the way like a hang glider.

We have commented several times in the past when talking about either Faily Brakes or Faily Rider that the crashing portion should just be its own game. I'm happy to see Spunge answering that call. I'm also quite impressed by the variety on display in Faily Tumbler, as Faily Brakes initially launched as a somewhat basic game with just a single environment and handful of vehicles. It's since been fleshed out via updates, but it's nice to see so many options for customization and such a varied environment right off the bat in Faily Tumbler. Look for this one to arrive April 6th and until then you can join in on the discussion in our forums and maybe even land yourself an early promo code.

'Faily Tumbler' is the Vehicle-less Crash Simulator Spinoff of 'Faily Brakes' and 'Faily Rider' posted first on

Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro Expansion Releases April 6th

As revealed by Ben Brode moments ago on the final Hearthstone [$0.99] Journey to Un'Goro card tease stream, the latest expansion (and with it, the next card rotation) will start rolling out on April 6th. Now, as you might remember from previous Hearthstone releases, this comes with the caveat that the way their global rollouts work the release will be staggered across regions... So, some patience might be in order when the day arrives.

This also serves as a great reminder of buying the pre-order offer before it's too late. $49.99 gets you 50 packs and a card back, which really is the best value you're going to find when it comes to buying actual packs of Hearthstone cards. Also, if you're a card back collector, you sort of need this one too, right?

If you aren't already, I recommend following along with Tasos's fantastic weekly Hearthstone roundup, it's a great way to stay up to date with all the happenings inside and surrounding the game without reading a million different things. Anyway, I'm super stoked for my journey to Un'Goro, so, stay tuned for tons of Hearthstone streams next week.

Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro Expansion Releases April 6th posted first on

From @rwesthead: Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment is entering the eSports game 

From : Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment is entering the eSports game 

From @rwesthead: Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment is entering the eSports game  posted first on

'The Sandbox Evolution' Gets both Shrek and Puss in Boots Next Week

I feel like the story of The Sandbox Evolution [Free] and Pocket God [$0.99] are pretty similar. Both games launched as super barebones sandbox games, which in their initial format were hard to really call "games." Then, through rapid-fire updates, before you know it both Pocket God and The Sandbox Evolution have so much content in them it's borderline bewildering. Even crazier is that the stuff getting added to The Sandbox Evolution isn't just more of the same, they've build in both significant tools and gameplay elements as well as integrated well known IP's like Pac Man. Next week, Shrek and Puss in Boots are joining the mix.

While I'm not sure if Shrek is necessarily a killer IP in 2017, it's still super cool how much stuff they've managed to pack into The Sandbox Evolution. Aside from Shrek and Puss in Boots, the update will also add Shrek's Babies, Donkey, Gingerbread Men, and Dronkey (who I guess if you haven't been keeping up with the Shrek universe, Dronkey are a donkey/dragon hybrid?) along with witches, Duloc knights, and slugs as enemies. Additionally, there's ten new decorative elements that you'll be able to use as you build your sandbox creations.

Even if you're not wild about Shrek, it seems like there's going to be tons more to do in a game which already has a silly amount of things in it. The update is scheduled to hit on April 5th for both iOS and Android, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

'The Sandbox Evolution' Gets both Shrek and Puss in Boots Next Week posted first on

Total War: Warhammer 2 takes you far to the west of The Old World later this year

Total War: Warhammer 2, the second release in Creative Assembly’s trilogy, was announced today at EGX Rezzed.

The strategy title will take place on the continents far to the west of The Old World, with environments spanning the hinterlands, enchanted isles, swamps and jungles.

Total War: Warhammer 2 will also feature new races from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles world: the High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, and a fourth yet to be revealed. Each race features its own campaign mechanics and army rosters of Legendary Lords, Heroes, spellcasters, troops, monsters and siege weapons.

“Total War: Warhammer 2 represents the next step in our trilogy, our vision for the most incredible fantasy strategy series ever made,” said game director Ian Roxburgh in the announcement.

“The success of the first game has increased our ambition; we’re not only going to deliver a thrilling campaign in the sequel, but also an additional combined campaign, the biggest so far, for owners of both.”

Here’s the synopsis:

“Players will struggle for dominion over the ailing Great Vortex that has swirled for millennia above the elven homeland of Ulthuan. Performing a series of arcane rituals, each race must save or disrupt the Vortex according to their motivations – a struggle culminating in a cataclysmic endgame. Territorial conquest is no longer enough… this is a race for control that will define the fate of the world.”

The title will feature “hundreds of hours” of gameplay and a combined campaign map covering the geographic areas of the first and second parts of the trilogy.

The latter will be made available for free, shortly after launch, to those who own both Total War: Warhammer and Total War: Warhammer 2. Players will also be able to take part in campaigns as any owned, playable race from both games.

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Have a look at the list of features:

  • A new style of narrative campaign in which players race against the other factions to save or destroy the Great Vortex while thwarting competing Races
  • Players will build and expand empires, raise armies, develop cities and fight vivid grand-scale battles in the classic Total War style
  • A suite of new campaign and battle features inspired by the Warhammer lore

Four new continents:

  • Ulthuan
  • Naggaroth
  • The Southlands
  • Lustria

Four new playable races.

  • High Elves
  • Dark Elves
  • Lizardmen
  • A fourth TBA

A release date other than 2017 has not been provided for Total War: Warhammer 2.

Total War: Warhammer 2 takes you far to the west of The Old World later this year posted first on

Stylish Puzzler 'GNOG' Hitting PS4 and PSVR May 2nd, iOS and Steam Versions Coming this Summer

KO_OP Mode's crazy stylish, crazy musical, and just plain crazy puzzler GNOG has been in the works for a few years now, and at long last publisher Double Fine Productions announced a release date for the game on PlayStation 4 and PSVR: May 2nd. Why should you care about that as a mobile gamer? Because the game's latest trailer also says that it will be heading to Steam and iOS later this summer. Hooray! If you haven't heard of GNOG before, it's sort of like The Room if The Room was made up of bright colors, incredibly catchy electronic music, and the "rooms" were actually various types of robot and monster heads. Yeah, it's weird. But also very, very awesome. Check out the latest trailer for GNOG.

Inside of each head is a tiny person who you need to help escape. You'll do this by poking, prodding, and manipulating various parts inside of the head. In addition to being somewhat similar to The Room and other types of escape games, GNOG also reminds me a lot of Vectorpark's fantastic Windosill [$2.99 (HD)] in terms of its visual style and overall weirdness. I absolutely love it, and seeing as I don't own a PlayStation 4, I'll be very impatiently waiting for the iOS release this summer. If a more specific release date gets revealed or any other new info is released about GNOG, we'll let you know.

Stylish Puzzler 'GNOG' Hitting PS4 and PSVR May 2nd, iOS and Steam Versions Coming this Summer posted first on

Ken Levine’s new game takes inspiration from Shadow of Mordor, will be “more challenging” than BioShock

Ken Levine talks about his next game and where his inspiration came from.

ken levine

EGX Rezzed is going on this week and during the event, Ken Levine joined Eurogamer’s Oli Walsh for a chat about his career and the new game from his studio Ghost Story.

Talking about their upcoming game, Levine wasn’t spilling the beans, but he did say that he was inspired by games that ” are comfortable with a little friction, [that don’t] hand you things.”

Games that test players with difficulty and that avoid hand-holding have influenced him to make the studio’s first title “a more difficult experience, more challenging to the gamer than [Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite].”

Levine says that the primary motivator for changing tack was the brevity of these two games.

“The impetus [for change was] you spent five years on a game which people finish in a weekend.

“I’m really envious of games like Civilization which I’ve played for a very long time. A lot of games now are built to maintain a long relationship with the gamer. My games haven’t really had that. So this appealed to me.”

There’s certainly a sense of this in the Game Informer Show Podcast that went up a couple of weeks ago, when Levine sat down with Rez and Galak-Z’s Jake Kazdal, The Walking Dead and Firewatch’s Jake Rodkin, and Battleborn and ArenaNet’s Aaron Linde to talk about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

It’s a lengthy video, but I’d recommend giving it a watch.

Levine also praised Shadow of Mordor’s Nemesis system and Telltale’s The Walking Dead’s branching story, saying that these kinds of innovations are what he’s aiming for.

He remained tight-lipped on details of his new game, saying that “one of the main reasons we’re not communicating right now [is because] game development is a perilous process especially when you’re out there talking about. Things change from under you.

“Ideally, and I don’t know, but ideally we’d want to just say ‘here it is, go check it out’, but we’re really not going to be talking about this thing publicly until we have a high degree of certainty of what it’s going to look and feel like.”

Ken Levine’s new game takes inspiration from Shadow of Mordor, will be “more challenging” than BioShock posted first on

'Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire' Soft Launches on the New Zealand App Store

The proper console version of Final Fantasy XV was one hell of a game, particularly when you take something that's already delicious like Cup Noodles and add in the finest, freshest ingredients, what do you get? The ultimate flavor experience. While you're selecting your favorite ingredient, you can now check out the just-soft launched Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire mobile game, which appears to beat the dead horse of re-skinning empire builders with new and/or popular IP. (To be fair, the idea of building an empire at least makes sense inside of the Final Fantasy XV universe.)

Eagle eyed forum member KeKhan spotted the game in New Zealand, and while it seems like it just came out, I'm sure some first impressions will start drizzling into our forums soon enough. The iTunes text promises your favorite FFXV characters, along with all the social and battle mechanics that you typically see in Game of War-likes. If it's anything like other Final Fantasy social RPG's, chances are there will be a lot of fan service, which could be a good thing depending on where you stand on FFXV.

I sort of think games like this are a lot like clickers- While there's little variety between them, all you really need is a theme that clicks with you to make the game appealing. (Like how Bitcoin Billionaire [Free] did it for me.) As far as when this will launch worldwide, that's anyone's guess, but judging on how similar Final Fantasy titles have handled their soft launch to worldwide rollout, we're likely looking at anywhere between a couple weeks to a couple months, so stay tuned.

NZ App Store Link: Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire, Free

'Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire' Soft Launches on the New Zealand App Store posted first on

For Honor update which increases Steel income and brings back the River Fort map is live

Ubisoft has performed maintenance on For Honor which has increased Steel income and brought back the River Fort and High Fort maps.

News of the For Honor update came around the same time as a planned blackout by players. Many are unhappy with Ubisoft’s lack of communication with the community regarding issues that have been raised.

After the servers were brought down this morning, the following changes were applied:

River Fort Map

  • Will re-introduce River Fort by end of day today.
  • Plans are to re-introduce High Fort as soon as possible if everything goes well with River Fort.

Increased Steel income

Overall income of Steel on all matches and Orders across all platforms has been increased.

Here are the new rates:

  • All matches Steel income are increased by 25%
  • Daily Orders Steel income are increased by 33%
  • Side Orders Steel income are increased by 50%
  • Community Orders Steel rewards are increased from 500-1000 to 2000 Steel
  • Changes can raise daily first two hours income by as much as 45%.

New Heroes Customization

New Elite outfits per hero (12 total). Includes:

  • The Battlefield Chic Outfits for the Knights
  • The Death Ravens Outfits for the Vikings
  • The Death Blossoms Outfits for the Samurai

Compensation for March, 28 outage : All players granted three day Champion Status for the eight hours of outage.

A livestream discussing the For Honor update as well as upcoming changes will kick off at 1pm ET/6pm UK. You can watch it over on Twitch.

The development team is also currently investigating the Faction War rewards and will “correct the situation soon.”

For Honor update which increases Steel income and brings back the River Fort map is live posted first on

Accessory Manufacturer Mad Catz Files for Bankruptcy

If you were gaming in the 90's, chances are you're intimately familiar with the brand Mad Catz. They were effectively synonymous with going over to a friend's house and playing two player games with someone being stuck with the cheapest controller they sell at Funco Land. In recent years, Mad Catz has really turned things around. Hell, I vastly preferred their Microcon controller for the XBOX over the original XBOX-sized controller. They also make some great sticks for fighting games, and their series of MFi controllers are pretty great as well. It hasn't been a secret that they've been in financial trouble recently, but this morning they made it official with bankruptcy declarations.

Hopefully Mad Catz can financially re-jigger their business and come back our swinging, but, in the meantime, it's worth paying attention to any potential sales of any video game accessories you might be on the hunt for. It wouldn't surprise me if they started shedding inventory of slow-moving products, and MFi controllers definitely fall into that category considering how little they've taken off across the board.

[via callyscaves on our Discord server]

Accessory Manufacturer Mad Catz Files for Bankruptcy posted first on

Stunning 3D Touch Shooter 'Cover Fire' Has Finally Launched Worldwide on the App Store

Back in November of last year, we brought you news of Cover Fire [Free], a particularly interesting on rails shooter that incorporated 3D Touch controls to distinguish it from the abundance of similar titles on the App Store. While the 3D Touch feature, which debuted on iOS with 2015's iPhone 6S, was particularly convenient productivity-wise as it let you use various shortcuts for many of the App Store's staple apps, it hasn't had as big an impact on mobile gaming as it perhaps should have. With the capacity for variable inputs based on how hard you touch the iPhone's touch screen, there is a lot of potential in 3D Touch as a future pillar of iOS applications. Cover Fire's use of gently tapping to aim and pressing hard to shoot is therefore extremely refreshing to see, and for this reason alone is worth trying out now it has today finally launched worldwide on the App Store for free.

While the 3D Touch mechanic is the main selling point of Cover Fire, the developers have attempted to ensure that there is a substantial game beneath this revolutionary new input method. The graphical style that Cover Fire has adopted is beautiful and detailed, and destructible environments should create more immersion within the title's on-rails basis. You also have the ability to cycle through the different characters within your mercenary unit and see the conflict from numerous different perspectives, and can equip numerous different weapons and guns that can dramatically vary the approach taken within Cover Fire. Best of all, the promise of an inflatable dinosaur character that can be unlocked sounds truly life-changing, and if Cover Fire can stay varied and diverse within its free-to-play framework, there is a lot of potential for the game to redefine the on-rails shooter genre on the App Store. Download Cover Fire on the App Store for free now, and head down to our forum thread for more impressions and views on this intriguing shooter title.

Stunning 3D Touch Shooter 'Cover Fire' Has Finally Launched Worldwide on the App Store posted first on

Fate of the Furious premium DLC for Rocket League let’s you drive Dom’s souped up Dodge Charger

Dom’s Ice Charger in Fate of the Furious, or Furious 8/Fast 8 if you will, is coming to Rocket League next week.

The Dodge Charger will be added to DestinyRocket League ten days before the Vin Diesel and co.’s film hits theaters on April 14.

It’s a premium Battle-Car and will run you $1.99 or the regional equivalent. The Dodge Ice Charger also comes with exclusive wheels and six decals: Clean Cut, Crazy Sandwich, Flames, Rakugaki, Rally, and CCCXL.

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Players can download The Fate of the Furious DLC for Rocket League on April 4.

Fate of the Furious premium DLC for Rocket League let’s you drive Dom’s souped up Dodge Charger posted first on

Street Fighter 5 beta adds new moves for Cammy, Dhalsim, and Zangief

Here’s what’s in store for Street Fighter 5’s next update.

Street Fighter 5 is currently free to play on Steam while Capcom tests out their new beta client.

Capcom Fighters Network (CFN) is getting an overhaul to address connectivity issues that have been hanging around since launch, and YouTuber VesperArcade has put together a video detailing the new special attacks that have been added to the beta for Cammy, Dhalsim, and Zangief that will be rolling out in the April update.

Cammy has a new air throw called Neck Spiral and Dhalsim has a crouching attack called Thrust Kick. Zangief is the lucky duck who got three new moves; Flying Headbutt, Tundra Storm counter, and the Harasho Choke Slam throw.

Ryu’s crouching heavy punch animation has also been tweaked.

You can find out how these new moves will affect gameplay in the video above.

Street Fighter 5 beta adds new moves for Cammy, Dhalsim, and Zangief posted first on

Tomorrow afternoon we'll be facing TeamNP in the #DAC LB in a Do or Die Bo1 matchup VGJ加油!

Tomorrow afternoon we'll be facing TeamNP in the LB in a Do or Die Bo1 matchup VGJ加油!

Tomorrow afternoon we'll be facing TeamNP in the #DAC LB in a Do or Die Bo1 matchup VGJ加油! posted first on

Bungie will continue to support Destiny 1 “for the foreseeable future”

Bungie isn’t leaving Destiny 1 by the wayside.

destiny wave

Destiny 2 was announced this week, just after the final update for Destiny 1 dropped.

The Age of Triumph brings back old raids, weapons and more, but while this marks the end of the story, it’s not the end of the game.

Talking to GamesRadar+, Bungie’s Deej says that while “we are celebrating the conclusion of the adventure of Destiny 1…[it’s] still a game that will be there for players.

“We’ve planned to support it for the foreseeable future, so while we do have a sense of finality and closure as the theme of this [Age of Triumph] event, we are by no means turning the lights off on Destiny 1.”

So if you’re worried about leaving the world behind, don’t fret. Bungie has said that they would continue to support the game before, and that it “won’t be going away”.

“[If players] decide they want to revisit the things that they did in Destiny 1, the game will still be there for them.

“And, for someone who might join the adventure in progress, and they might want to go back to the beginning and discover how it all started? Those origin stories will be waiting for them.”

Meanwhile, Destiny 2 is releasing September 8 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Bungie will continue to support Destiny 1 “for the foreseeable future” posted first on

1500 Joined in ~3 hours and we didn't even announce it on Weibo - it's supposed to be Twitter & Facebook exclusive ! GG y'all go for more!

1500 Joined in ~3 hours and we didn't even announce it on Weibo - it's supposed to be Twitter & Facebook exclusive ! GG y'all go for more!

1500 Joined in ~3 hours and we didn't even announce it on Weibo - it's supposed to be Twitter & Facebook exclusive ! GG y'all go for more! posted first on

Destiny 2 – everything you need to know about the Deluxe Edition, Collector’s and Limited Editions

If you’ve been online at all today, you already know there are various pre-order options available for Destiny 2. Let’s have a better look at those, because there are four in total at present.

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As reported yesterday, Destiny 2 is now available for pre-order and the skus on offer are: a Collector’s Edition, Digital Deluxe Edition, Limited Edition and standard. The Expansion Pass, which contains two, large expansions, is also available for pre-order.

Also, and as previously reported, pre-ordering the game nets early access to the beta with dates to be announced, but it’s slated for sometime this summer. Once pre-ordered, the code will be emailed within two business days.


Each of the editions, and the contents were posted yesterday, but we have images for each now which will provide you will a better idea of what you’ll be getting.

All options below include the base game and Expansion Pass along with in-game digital goodies. These digital extras are: a Legendary Sword, Legendary Player Emote and a Cabal Empire Themed Emblem

Those who prefer to go the digital route can pre-order the Destiny 2: Digital Deluxe Edition for $99.99. It comes with the aforementioned contents.

If you like things which you can hold in your hand, the Destiny 2: Limited Edition might tempt you to spend $99.99/£89.99 (£79.99 for PC in the UK).

Along with the base game, digital content and Expansion Pass it includes the following:

Limited Edition SteelBook Case

Cabal-themed Collector’s Box, containing:

  • Booklet with secrets into the Cabal Empire
  • Cabal Schematic
  • Collectible Postcard Images
  • Cabal Military Pawns
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For the collectors out there, the rather expensive Collector’s Edition ($249.99/£219.99) comes with the same contents as the Digital Deluxe and Limited Editions, but with more physical items than the latter. The PC version is the same price in the US but £209.99 in the UK.

Here’s the extra contents included with the Destiny 2: Collector’s Edition:

Destiny 2 – Frontier Bag

  • Customizable bag that can be worn as a backpack or messenger bag
  • 15” Laptop/Tablet Sleeve with protective pocket slip

Frontier Kit

  • Solar panel USB charger with built-in light
  • Paracord
  • Solar blanket

Once again, like the Limited Edition it comes with a SteelBook Case and the same contents, along with the digital items included with it and the Deluxe Edition.

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Over in North America, the Limited Edition is exclusive to GameStop. All pre-orders of Destiny 2 through the retailer will come with the Cayde-6 statue while supplies last – except for the Digital Deluxe version.

It’s the same story over in the UK, only physical editions of the game will include the Cayde 6 pre-order bonus and the figurine is exclusive to GAME. So is the Collector’s Edition.

Finally, you can also buy the base game plus the Expansion Pass for $89.99.

If you hit up the links to both GAME and GameStop you can get a better idea on pricing and contents.

Destiny 2 will be released on September 8 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

We’ll get our first look at gameplay via livestream on May 18.

Destiny 2 – everything you need to know about the Deluxe Edition, Collector’s and Limited Editions posted first on

'Kami 2' Review - 2 Kami 2 Furious

Say what you will about other aspects of gaming, but one area where mobile games can frequently go toe-to-toe with those on other platforms is in their style. Games like Monument Valley [$3.99], Sword and Sworcery [$3.99], and Prune [$3.99] are as much about taking the player on an audio-visual journey as they are about pushing their gameplay mechanics. 2013 puzzle game Kami [$2.99] might not be as famous as some of those games, but it's certainly done well enough for itself. It has made the jump to multiple platforms and now has a sequel to call its own. Unfortunately, Kami 2 [Free] runs into a lot of the same troubles that puzzle game sequels usually do, and with much of the novelty of its gimmick worn off, its fundamental issues shine through a little too brightly.

Kami is a game about matching colors with as few moves as possible. It uses folding paper as its artistic conceit, but it's really more like trying to use the flood-fill tool on a paint program to fill the entire screen with only a few clicks. Each stage presents a multi-colored pattern and a par number you need to aim for. Simply choose a color, tap an area, and all of the connected paper of that color will flip and fold into the new color. Make the whole screen one color and you're all done. In Kami 2, you have to do it within the par number of moves to actually beat the stage. Do that and you'll earn a Perfect Badge, which is essential to unlocking medals and opening up new stages.

Kami 2 is a lot like the first game, except with much more content. There are over 100 stages in the standard Journey mode, enough to keep anyone busy for quite some time. In addition, there are also daily puzzles to solve, and an edit mode where players can create and share their own puzzles. As this game can be had for free as opposed to the first game's up-front price tag, you're probably wondering where the catch is. The curious thing is that there really isn't one. You don't have to worry about ads, timers, or any of that stuff. Journey mode is fully playable off-line, and while the other two modes require a connection, that makes perfect sense. No, Kami 2 aims to earn its money the old-fashioned way. It wants to make you cry for help, and then charge you for it.

Basically, the game monetizes in a few simple ways. The main things it's looking to sell are packs of hints. If you have hints, you can use them to see exactly one move towards your goal. The game will give you the first one for free, but after that, you'll have to buy them if you want more. There are also some special palettes you can unlock via IAPs that simply give you some fancy options in the edit mode. The game doesn't wave these potential purchases in your face. In fact, you probably won't even see them unless you go looking for them. If you can clear the stages on your own, you won't need to give Kami 2 so much as a single cent, and there's nothing stopping you from doing just that if you're clever enough.

Fair warning, though. Kami 2 gets really, really tough. Some of the later puzzles require you to make fifteen or more moves in just the right sequence to meet par, so you're going to have to think things through carefully. This is where Kami makes a few mistakes, however. I fully appreciate the complex puzzles, and I'm even okay with the par being a requirement for beating the stage. What I don't like is that if you make an incorrect move, you have to start the puzzle from scratch. With turn-based games like this, the ability to move back even one step is a major convenience. Having to retrace 10 or more moves to get back to where you were isn't challenging or interesting. It's just annoying. Even worse, that gorgeous folding animation that plays whenever you swap a color can't be turned off or skipped. So you not only have to retrace your moves, you have to do it slowly. In earlier levels this is a minor issue, but the farther in you go, the more aggravating it becomes.

Besides all of that, Kami 2 suffers from its mechanics getting a little repetitive over the long haul in Journey mode. The game makes a good effort of teaching players as it goes, with the stages arranged in groups of six similar but increasingly complex layouts. The sentiment behind that is appreciated, but so many of the stages feel like filler as a result, and that's as true for stage 103 as it is for stage 7. I felt more engaged with the first game's significantly smaller set of levels because each one stood out more. In Kami 2, it feels like you're told to color a fire engine, then turn the page and color a slightly more detailed fire engine, then color the even more detailed fire engine on the following page. I'm tired of this fire engine already.

By far, the better part of Kami 2 is found in the user-created levels. There seems to be a well-populated list with new entries appearing frequently thus far, so it's already quite active. There are a few different filters to choose from, and users can help curate the levels by giving a little heart to the ones they think are good. They're not all winners, but there are more than enough to choose from that you ought to be able to find many enjoyable puzzles to solve. The only problem here is that this mode requires you to connect to a server, which is an issue not just in the sense that you need to be online, but also that any server problems will result in the mode not functioning. I only mention this because during the period in which I played Kami 2 for review, I frequently received messages that I couldn't play the non-Journey modes in spite of my connection being fine.

Kami 2 is a gorgeous puzzle game packed with challenging content, but it allows its sense of style to get in the way of a smooth experience for the player. It's fine that the game throws out difficult and complex puzzles, but the game seemingly goes out of its way to make the process of solving those challenges as tedious as possible. Between its generous pay model, stunning presentation, and heaps of puzzles to solve, Kami 2 is probably worth taking at least a few swings at. It's at least a few folds away from the gameplay living up to the slick visual designs, however, and there are clearly some kinks to work out with the online modes.

'Kami 2' Review - 2 Kami 2 Furious posted first on

Titanfall 2 gets free multiplayer weekend, classic Titanfall Colony map drops with new update

The free Titanfall 2 update brings a new weapon and execution with it.

Titanfall 2 is getting a free multiplayer trial this weekend across all platforms.

The trial kicks off the launch of the Colony Reborn update which adds the Colony map from first game, a new version of the R-101, and the new Curb Check execution.

There’s also a bunch of paid cosmetic items to spend your money on in the form of new Titans, banners, patches, and more.

If you want to give the free trial a whirl, you can download it in Origin, the Xbox Store, and the PS Store. It’s live now and will come to a close on Monday April 3.

You’ll have access to all of the multiplayer modes, the Training Gauntlet, and the The Beacon single player mission. The latter two will remain free to play after the multiplayer trial ends.

You can check out the full patch notes below:

Free content for all Titanfall 2 owners

  • New Map – Colony – This classic should be familiar to long time Titanfall fans. Set among a sleepy settler town, the dense center is filled with narrow streets, interiors, and rooftops surrounded by open Titan lanes
  • Weapon – R-101 – Universally well regarded for its unique versatility, the R-101 platform has been a mainstay of human conflict since the first settlers arrived from the Core Systems. This version is outfitted with ACOG scope
  • New execution – Curb Check

Paid cosmetic content

  • Prime Titans
    • Northstar
    • Legion
  • Titan Art Nose Art
    • 5 new designs
    • 1 new Warpaint per Titan
  • Camo pack
    • 20 camos
  • Callsign pack
    • 20 banners
    • 20 patches

The patch will also include bug fixes, balancing, etc. Plus the whole weekend will be double XP for all modes.

Titanfall 2 gets free multiplayer weekend, classic Titanfall Colony map drops with new update posted first on

This week’s best game deals: Watch Dogs 2, cheap Xbox One S, Nier: Automata, and more

Welcome back once again to another roundup of the best deals from the world of gaming, tech and other fantastic fancy bits.

As usual, we’ve got deals that’ll work in the UK, deals that’ll work in the US and some deals that will work in both the UK and US, as well as presumably many other places. Let’s get started.

UK & US Deals


By now, you will have heard a whole lot about Nier: Automata. Since it’s release on PS4 a few weeks ago, it has made quite the impression on the video gaming world in general. Not only does it technically have a whopping twenty-six endings (one for every letter of the alphabet) but it also pairs up some finely tuned brawler gameplay with some surprisingly deep existential questioning from the story. Oh, and robots. Lots of robots. Currently, you can get a PC copy of Nier Automata for £29.99 / $44.99 / €44.99 over at Green Man gaming.

Nier: Automata on PC (Steam) for £29.99 / $44.99 / €44.99 from Green Man Gaming


You’re in luck if you happen to be a fan of adventure games this week, since is playing host to a veritable bounty of adventure game deals across a couple of separate sales. Firstly, the site is discounting a range of ‘first-person adventure games’ which includes the likes of Myst, Riven and other similar puzzlers. Here’s some highlights of that range.

  • Myst Masterpiece Edition for £1.19 / $1.49
  • Riven for £1.19 / $1.49
  • Atlantis The Lost Tales for 99p / $1.19
  • The Ball for £1.19 / $1.49
  • Dream for £2.79 / $3.39

GOG’s First-Person Adventure Game Sale

Secondly, there’s a more general ‘adventure games’ sale going on too, which covers all the other adventure-laden bases from point-and-click classics to more recent Telltale releases. Here are some of the highlights.

  • Broken Sword Director’s Cut for £1.19 / $1.49 / €1.49
  • Gemini Rue for £1.69 / $1.99 / €1.89
  • The Wolf Among Us for £4.79 / $5.89 / €5.59
  • Day of the Tentacle Remastered for £3.69 / $4.53 / €4.29
  • Grim Fandango Remastered for £2.09 / $2.48 / €2.3
  • Batman – The Telltale Series for £9.49 / $11.79 / €11.19
  • I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream for 99p / $1.19 / €1.19

GOG’s Adventure Game Sale

humbles bundles

Time for another Humble Bundle! This time, the folks at Humble are celebrating some of the finest multiplayer (both competitive and cooperative) games around. Better still, if you opt to pay more than the average you’ll get a copy of wonderful indie game Ultimate Chicken Horse which is bound to give you hours of fun and end your friendships with a bang. Pay $10 (£8ish) or more and you’ll get a PC copy of Helldivers along with its DLC, too, which if you haven’t played, you really should.

Pay what you like

  • Tricky Towers
  • Eon Altar Episode 1
  • Primal Carnage: Extinction

Pay more than the average

  • Move or Die
  • Ultimate Chicken Horse
  • Rampage Knights

Pay $10 (around £8) or more

  • Helldivers
  • Helldivers Ranger Pack DLC

Humble ‘Hooked on Multiplayer’ Bundle – Pay what you want


With this week’s release of The Ringed City, it looks like – at least for now – the Dark Souls franchise has come to a close. To celebrate (or commiserate), we put together an article of our favourite bits of Dark Souls merchandise over at Jelly Deals. If you’re the type to wear your fandom quite literally on your sleeve, you can head over and check out our top picks.

The best Dark Souls merchandise around

UK Deals


With the deluge of recent video game releases that have almost entirely been worthy of a ‘must play’ label, you’d be forgiven for forgetting about Ubisoft’s late 2016 release of Watch Dogs 2. However you felt about the original Watch Dogs, its sequel is a different beast entirely. If you feel like giving it a go for yourself, it’s down to £22 at Amazon UK at the moment.

Watch Dogs 2 on PS4 for £22 from Amazon UK
Watch Dogs 2 on Xbox One for £22 from Amazon UK


Rare Replay has a habit of falling in price every couple of months at this rate so it’s probably no surprise that it’s down to £9.99 at Amazon UK currently. Still, there’s no arguing with thirty games for a tenner, right?

Rare Replay on Xbox One for £9.99 from Amazon UK


If you’ve been putting off playing Star Wars Battlefront or the imminent Blu-ray release of Rogue One has given you the Star Wars itch, you may be in luck. The PC version of the game is currently down to £12.50 at Amazon UK. Neat.

Star Wars Battlefront on PC (Origin) for £12.50 from Amazon UK


Over on the other side of the space opera battlefield, you can currently get all three of the newer Star Trek movies in one fancy Blu-ray box set for just £15 at Amazon UK. This one’s nice if you class yourself as a fan of the later Trek series or just fancy staring at Chris Pine as he gets progressively more like a Ken doll with each film.

Star Trek Trilogy Blu-ray box set for £15 from Amazon UK

US Deals

xbox one 1tb

You can grab a fairly nice bargain of an Xbox One S console right now over at Amazon US, where the 1TB console, bundled up with a digital copy of Forza Horizon 3, is down to $290. The price on this one has ranged from $290 and $300 over the past few days but it’s a really good price either way.

Xbox One S 1TB with Forza Horizon 3 for $290 from Amazon US

With that, we’re done for another week. Keep in mind that deals, prices and availability can change at the drop of a hat, so apologies if you miss out on something you wanted. I’ll be over at Jelly Deals, scouring the world wide web for more deals. Feel free to visit, or follow us on Twitter and give us a like on Facebook.

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This week’s best game deals: Watch Dogs 2, cheap Xbox One S, Nier: Automata, and more posted first on