Monday 26 June 2017

Pokemon Go type chart – type strength, weakness and effectiveness for Pokemon battles explained

Pokemon types go a little deeper than fire, water and grass these days. We’re here to help.

pokemon go level

Pokemon Go: what are Pokemon Types for?

Pokemon in Pokemon Go all fall into one of a few categories – ‘types’. A Pokemon can have one or two types, and types determine a number of things about that Pokemon. For one it determines where the Pokemon likes to live (more on that under the next heading), but it also determines battle strengths and weaknesses.

There’s 18 different types, and each type is either strong, weak or neutral to other types. At the most basic level with the starter Pokemon this breaks down to Rock, Paper, Scissors – Charmander (Fire) beats Bulbasaur (Grass) who beats Squirtle (Water) who in turn beats Charmander.

If you need more tips for Pokemon Go including more information on how to catch and evolve a variety of the beasts, be sure to check out the rest of our Pokemon Go guides.

The way types and battles in general work in Pokemon Go is marginally different to the major Pokemon games, but the same core concepts apply. In Pokemon Go each Pokemon has two moves. As well as the Pokemon itself having one or two types, its moves will also have types. A shortcoming in a Pokemon’s natural typing may be helped by the types of its moves.

As explained in our guide page for Gyms, Teams and Pokemon Battles in Pokemon Go, Pokemon Types play an important part in battles for gyms. You’ll want to attack with a Pokemon or a move type that the opponent is weak to. This is even more true of high-end battles such as the Pokemon raid boss battles, multiplayer fights against super-powerful computer-controlled boss Pokemon at gym sites.

Below we help you figure that all out: here’s a list of the Types in Pokemon Go and their strengths and weaknesses.


  • Fire-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Steel, Bug, Ice, Grass
    Weak Against: Rock, Water, Ground

  • Water-type Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
    Weak Against: Electric, Grass

  • Grass-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Water, Ground Rock
    Weak Against: Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, Bug

  • Electric-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Water, Flying
    Weak Against: Ground

  • Normal-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: None
    Weak Against: Fighting

  • Ground-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, Steel
    Weak Against: Water, Grass, Ice

  • Rock-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug
    Weak Against: Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel

  • Fighting-type Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, Steel
    Weak Against: Flying, Psychic, Fairy

  • Ice-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon
    Weak Against: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel

  • Poison-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Grass, Fairy
    Weak Against: Ground, Psychic

  • Psychic-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Fighting, Poison
    Weak Against: Bug, Ghost, Dark

  • Bug-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Grass, Psychic, Dark
    Weak Against: Fire, Flying, Rock

  • Flying-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Grass, Fighting, Bug
    Weak Against: Electric, Ice, Rock

  • Dragon-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Dragon
    Weak Against: Ice, Dragon, Fairy

  • Fairy-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Fighting, Dragon, Dark
    Weak Against: Poison, Steel

  • Ghost-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Psychic, Ghost
    Weak Against: Ghost, Dark

  • Dark-type Pokemon Strengths and Weaknesses

    Effective Against: Psychic, Ghost
    Weak Against: Fighting, Bug, Fairy

Pokemon Go type chart – type strength, weakness and effectiveness for Pokemon battles explained posted first on

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