Friday 23 June 2017

Silly Physics-Based American Football Game 'Touchdowners' Hits the App Store

We've been excited for the release of Touchdowners [Free] ever since its first unveiling early last month. I mean, this is from the people who have made wacky physics-based sports games like Wrassling [Free], Dunkers [Free], and Golf Zero [Free]. How could I NOT be excited for their wacky physics-based interpretation of American Football? And as we learned a week ago, Touchdowners was all set for a June 22nd release. Except… it didn't show up in time for our normal weekly new games roundup, which I though was kind of weird, and we hadn't heard anything from the developers about when specifically it was releasing, which was also pretty weird as they usually send emails about everything.

Well, Touchdowners did end up showing up last night, and when I checked this morning it all made sense: It has one of the major big banner features in the App Store. Nice! As most everyone knows by now, once Apple contacts you about potential featuring, they don't like you to go around blabbing about the release or anything, so that explains the radio silence and the slightly delayed release. The important thing though is that we can all finally score ourselves some touchdowns by wildly flailing our appendages at each other, which is really what life is all about. If you want to take Touchdowners for a spin you can grab it for free with the link below, and there's a one-time $1.99 IAP to remove ads if you wish. Also, feel free to drop by the forum thread to leave your impressions or any hot strategies.

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