Friday 23 June 2017

You Can Get 'Her Story' for a Buck, Lowest Price Ever

Her Story made quite a splash when it came out and [$0.99] managed to make FMV games cool again by giving us a game with strong writing and acting, which apparently were often lacking from other FMV games in the past. Now, you can check out this great game for $0.99, its lowest price ever. It's hard to talk about the game without ruining it, but just know that you'll be trying to solve a mystery by putting together various pieces of the story while trying to pay attention to clues and discover the truth about the mystery at hand.

Despite some slight issues, this is a game that's worth experiencing, and I think playing it on a tablet helps bring to live even better than doing it on a PC. Just keep in mind that it's not the smallest game in terms of storage space, so download with caution.

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