Saturday, 2 December 2017

Bloodborne: datamining has revealed some cool unused bosses and NPCs

Bloodborne has been out for a few years now, but there are still secrets nestled away inside its code.

It was only last week that a creature no one had ever reported seeing was found in a Chalice Dungeon, which has the game’s fans open to the idea that there’s even more hidden away in there. Now, thanks to some datamining, we know that there’s definitely some extra stuff on the disc – it’s just not all accessible, necessarily.

Sanadsk, who has made a bit of a name for himself digging up secrets in Souls games, has started to get into Bloodborne, and has uncovered some character and enemy models we’ve not seen before. They’re all showcased in the video below.

The first enemy here looks to be a boss, a big shaggy golden dog that looks pretty horrifying. There’s a texture in here for black fur too, but we like the golden fur look – it sets this beast apart.

The second is a fire demon of some kind, labelled a ‘Creeper’ in the code. There are low quality, unfinished textures on this one (as you might expect), but it’s still very neat. There are two versions of this guy in the code, a one-headed and a two-headed model (although their heads are actually just skulls, with eight sockets in them). It’s got a fire motif to it – this is the case with a lot of the content Sanadsk found, apparently.

The third is a weird-looking NPC scholar, wearing a big coat. Sanadsk could not find any dialog for this character, or anything to suggest that he’s someone we hear about in the game, but he seems less hostile than the other models. Next is a skeleton holding a scimitar, which happens to look a lot like the skeletons in the catacombs in Dark Souls 3 – Sanadsk theorises that the final model ended up there.

The final model is a pig-like creature holding an axe. It’s covered in fur, with big teeth and weird antlers. It looks like it would have been fun to kill.

Sanadsk says that there’s still work to do on extracting these files and figuring out where all of these things were meant to be and what their code names were. He still has other models he’s found, but he’ll have to get to them later (he has exams to study for – good luck, if you’re reading). He also says that some of the things he found in here ‘blew his mind’.

So there you go – hopefully we’ll have more uncovered assets soon.

Bloodborne: datamining has revealed some cool unused bosses and NPCs posted first on

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