Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Pathologic gets new trailer and a Kafkaesque nightmare demo build you can try if you dare

Pathologic is a cult classic horror game being rebuilt to be less awful to play, while remaining totally awful in all the ways that count. Find out what the fuss is about.

Pathologic developer Ice-Pick Lodge has put together a new build of its remake demo, The Marble Nest. Here’s a new trailer to celebrate that.

Unlike the early alpha build demo, which was restricted to backers and press, this one will be available to everyone to try, should you suddenly take a fancy to wandering plague-ridden streets as the world collapses around you in a surreal illustration of human nature under pressure.

It sounds groovy, am I right? The first demo build of Pathologic was fantastic, but a hell of a chore, which was very inline with the original. Ice-Pick’s intention is for the finished game to feel like fingernails made of razors on the chalkboard of your brain, but for psychological reasons, not because of terrible interface and translation, so it’s worked hard to make this new build less horrible. Except where it’s supposed to be horrible, obviously.

I haven’t had time to play the new Pathologic demo build for myself, but you don’t need to take my word for it anyway: it’s out now on Steam for you to check out for yourself. Please do, and send your feedback, so that Ice-Pick can continue to navigate the tightrope balance of being painful but not rubbish. There’s a couple of hours of content in there so you can get a good feel for the whole Pathologic thing, but it’s a parallel story rather than a slice of the game so you’re not spoiling anything.

Pathologic will release in northern autumn for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a remake of a horror RPG with harsh survival mechanics in which you attempt to solve the riddle of a city visited by plague. Saying that is like saying icebergs are bits of very cold water, though; it’s a factual sketch that says nothing of the experience of the thing itself.

Pathologic gets new trailer and a Kafkaesque nightmare demo build you can try if you dare posted first on http://ift.tt/2k0LiGW

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