Thursday 7 December 2017

Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris may hide a new secret weapon quest for Saint-14’s Perfect Paradox shotgun

Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris looks set to bring back one of the loot shooter’s most-missed features – secret weapon quests.

If you’ve been playing Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris you’ve probably unlocked the new Lost Prophecy Verses Weapons Forge and begun farming Radiolarian Cultures and Paradox Amplifiers to complete Lost Prophecy Verses. Heck, maybe you’ve even completed the four Verses available this week already, ready to knock out the other seven as they rotate into play – like the Iron Lord artifacts in Rise of Iron.

Now, there’s a theory going around the Destiny 2 fandom at the moment that there’s a secret, extra verse for an unknown Exotic weapon in Curse of Osiris. It seem to be related to the Legendary shotgun, Perfect Paradox, which we’ve seen in trailers and which has popped up on the Destiny 2 API for dataminers and trackers to bring to light.

Right now it’s not known how you get this weapon, but we’re all hoping there’s a Verse 11 quest waiting for us, and that Perfect Paradox will eventually result in us gaining a new Exotic weapon, too. Arekkz has the details in the video below, but let’s talk through it as well.

One of the key factors kicking off speculation regarding the possibility of an extra quest is that if you climb a spire in the Future Mercury segment of the Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Adventure The Up and Up, you can peak through a hole and use a sniper rifle scope to get an eyeful of a body floating in mid-air – a body many assume to be Saint-14.

For those not deep into Destiny lore, Saint-14 was a much-loved Exo Titan; like Osiris and a few other (previously) mysterious figures, we only know about him from item descriptions and sideways Grimoire references. Saint-14 recommended Osiris as the leader of the Vanguard, and left the Last City in search of the exiled Warlock after the latter’s fall from grace.

If you read the Perfect Paradox lore tab, which is available via Destiny Tracker among others, you’ll find a diary entry or letter penned by Saint-14, in which he describes his eventual fate at the hands of the Vex. His description strongly implies the floating body found on Future Mercury is Saint-14, and that thanks to Vex timeline woo-woo the player is going to meet Saint-14 and – this is the key bit – give him the Perfect Paradox shotgun.

Assuming this actually happens and we do meet Saint-14, it feels like it might be part of an Exotic weapon quest; we’re rarely asked to give up a weapon unless we’re getting a better version back, as with the Exotic swords or Necrochasm in D1.

The video above also goes over this week’s available Lost Prophecy verse weapon quests and gives brief reviews of them, so take a peek if you’re wondering if it’s worth the effort.

Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris may hide a new secret weapon quest for Saint-14’s Perfect Paradox shotgun posted first on

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