Monday 6 March 2017

Check Out Our Nintendo Switch Discord Channel

Over on our Discord server, we've opened up a new room just for Nintendo Switch discussion. If you've picked up a system, then the #nintendo_switch room is the spot to go. Been playing Zelda? Or maybe Snipperclips? Getting your Bomberman on? Doing crazy things like visiting a Toys R Us in order to find Switch systems? Crazy, I know, but if you wanna talk about it, make like Scorpion's opponents and get over here!

We'll likely be covering Switch stuff as is appropriate for TouchArcade – we know you're here for the mobile games, but the Switch presents a lot of potential for gaming in that form factor depending on how the game library shakes out – but anything Switch-related goes in this channel. And while not everyone at TA has a Switch yet (they were difficult to find in San Francisco on release night), our Eric Ford will be streaming on Switch Saturdays for TouchArcade, so do be sure to watch those!

Check Out Our Nintendo Switch Discord Channel posted first on

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