Saturday 4 March 2017

GDC 2017 - 1v1 RPG Battler 'Exiles of Embermark' is Coming Along Really Well

We've been following the development of Exiles of Embermark since its original announcement early last year, and we even got a hands-on demo of it at GDC 2016. Well, it's been about a year since then and Exiles of Embermark is really taking shape and starting to look like one of the deepest RPG battlers around. We were again given a demo of the game at this year's GDC and the video below should give you a lengthy look at many of the different aspects of Exiles of Embermark.

As I said, we've been following this one for a while, and it's really exciting to finally see it getting close to release. A beta test is planned in the coming weeks and you're urged to check out the forum thread if you're interested in taking part. Following that should be a more formal soft-launch period, and if all goes well, hopefully we'll be playing Exiles of Embermark later this year.

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