Saturday 4 March 2017

GDC 2017 - 'Old Man's Journey' is One of the Most Beautiful and Unique Games We've Seen

It seemed like a theme this year at GDC was seeing upcoming games that we also previewed at last year's GDC, and hey, game development takes time so that's not unusual. However, in the case of Old Man's Journey, I actually saw it and was blown away by it at GDC last year but developer Broken Rules wasn't far enough along with the game to want it shown publicly just yet. It wasn't until July a few months later that they officially announced and released a teaser for Old Man's Journey, and it was just about a month ago that they released the game's first gameplay trailer. Well, we got a demo of a near-final version of Old Man's Journey at GDC this year, and it's far and away one of the most charming and unique games I've seen.

Like Suzy Cube, Old Man's Journey was also a finalist in the IndiePlus Contest and actually took home the 3rd place prize, which is well-deserved. One of the problems with a game like Old Man's Journey though is that you don't want to show off too much of it as figuring out all the puzzles as well as the little flourishes of the world is best experienced first hand. That said, I just want to see more and more of it, so I'll definitely be waiting impatiently for the game's final release. Hopefully it isn't that long of a wait though as the plan is to get Old Man's Journey out sometime this spring.

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