Saturday 4 March 2017

GDC 2017 - 'Suzy Cube' Continues to Look Like the Best 3D Platformer on Mobile

You may recall that we fist fell in love with Suzy Cube back at GDC last year, and we were so impressed with this adorable and ridiculously polished platformer that we declared it our "Game of GDC!" Well, it's been a year and despite being the passion project of just one individual Suzy Cube has made some great strides since we last saw it in action. Check out our video demonstration with developer Northern Bytes Software to see what Suzy's been up to lately.

It was actually a surprise to see Suzy Cube at GDC, as initially Northern Bytes wasn't planning on attending GDC this year. However, Suzy was chosen as a top 10 finalist in the 2017 IndiePlus Contest and so the developer found himself in the position to be flown out for the award ceremony. Although it didn't win, the fact that Suzy Cube was in the top 10 out of about a hundred or so entries is a huge accomplishment. The only bummer is that since it's just one person progress on Suzy Cube moves quite slowly, but you can keep up with the game's development in our forums and hopefully we can pester Northern Bytes enough to get Suzy finished before next year's GDC.

GDC 2017 - 'Suzy Cube' Continues to Look Like the Best 3D Platformer on Mobile posted first on

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