Tuesday 2 May 2017

Resident Evil 7 Daughters walkthrough: how to get the best ending in Banned Footage Vol 2 DLC

Be a model daughter. Get the good ending.


Resident Evil 7’s second DLC features two more story expansion chapters for the game paired with another non-canon adventure. The story chapters continue the long suffering adventures of Clancy and also offer a bit of insight into the life of the Bakers before they befell a terrible fate… and here we’re going to talk about the latter.

Daughters, as the chapter is called, puts you into the shoes of Zoe Baker, at first on the fateful night when their lives would change forever. A word of warning here – this DLC hinges upon major events that are revealed very late in Resident Evil 7’s main story, so if you’re looking for the maximum impact out of the main narrative you should play this DLC after finishing the core game or risk pretty major spoilers.

Daughters has two potential endings – a bad ending that spells disaster for Zoe plus the True Ending, the ending which also isn’t so hot for her but ultimately leads into the events of Resident Evil 7 proper.

We’re going to keep story elements to a minimum in this guide, but here’s how to get both endings in a nice easy-to-digest breakdown. SPOILERS, obviously.

Resident Evil 7 Daughters Banned Tape: how to get the true ending

In order to get the ‘true’ ending of the daughters tape you’ll actually have to head to a place not quite so obvious at first. Here are the basic steps:

  • When instructed, head to the laundry room (the first save room from the main story after the dinner scene) and pick up the change of clothes.
  • Instead of just leaving the laundry room, hop down into the crawlspace (again, familiar from the main story) and crawl through towards the pantry. On the way through the crawlspace, grab the LOCKPICK – it’s hard to miss.
  • When you head upstairs, don’t head straight to the indicated room, but instead duck into the bathroom. (Remember where you got the first wooden puzzle piece in the main game?) There’s a locked drawer in here – grab the SMALL COMPONENT inside.
  • The small component you just grabbed actually isn’t vital to the true ending, but it will give you some cool story background. Once you’re in Lucas’ room (where Eveline is), after the short scene when Jack leaves don’t go up to Evie right away. Instead, turn right and look in the corner of the room….
  • There’s a trophy in the corner of the room. Use the component on it to insert the component into the trophy. Stairs drop. Head on up!
  • Upstairs, read the note and then use the laptop. Earlier on if you’d snooped around Lucas at the dinner table you’ll have seen him put his code into his phone: the code is 1019. Input it into the computer. Have a read.
  • With that done, head on back downstairs, interact with Evie. Yeesh. Head downstairs, you’ll find Lucas. Check he’s okay. You hear a noise upstairs, head upstairs, find Maugerite.
  • Out of the bathroom when ordered, run down to the garage! Open the door with the button, then grab the ROPE from inside.
  • Once you return upstairs, the situation changes again. Run away and hide in the Recreation Room (the room where you found the Mia tape). As you head through the door, turn around and face the door again – use the rope on the door to tie it shut, buying yourself time.
  • Go into the room marked as Grandma’s Room (remember where you get the Broken Shotgun as Ethan?) and find a FORK.
  • Leave grandma’s room, and use the fork to pull the nails out of a boarded-up window in the Recreation Room to get out onto the balcony.
  • Outside, turn right. Walk as far as you can. Notice right in front of you there’s a bright red box, out of reach… take note. On your right you’ll see a tiny opening – go through it.
  • Once through the opening, turn left. Look for the red box you just saw. Open it to find a DOG HEAD RELIEF. You’ll know all about these bad boys from the main story.
  • With that done, head inside and enter the main hall. There’s an enemy down here, prowling about. Don’t get spotted.

This is where things branch.


How to get the bad ending of the Daughters DLC

If you head back towards the main area of the house where the Kitchen and so on are, Maugerite will appear. She’ll scare you, but then have an attack of conscience.

She’ll give you keys to the Baker’s car and tell you to go. Run to the garage, but be aware on the way you’re going to have to dodge daddy. Get to the garage and get into the car… welcome to the bad ending.

How to get the good ending of the Daughters DLC

Either after Maugerite gives you the keys or before she has the chance sneak to the main door of the house out into the yard. Instead of going to the car, even if you have the keys, head out to the trailer instead. To do this you’ll need the Dog Head – slot it on into the door.

An earlier note in this DLC indicated the Bakers’ other sudden guest was out in the trailer. Go out there and find her. Examine the note on the table and the item the unconscious Mia is holding. This is the true ending.

Resident Evil 7 Daughters walkthrough: how to get the best ending in Banned Footage Vol 2 DLC posted first on http://ift.tt/2k0LiGW

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