Monday, 2 October 2017

Best Meta Decks, Top Podcasts, Fun Videos, and More 'Hearthstone' Weekly News in 'Touchstone' #114

Welcome to another Touchstone Tavern, our roundup of the best Hearthstone [Free] stories and videos from last week. Overall, we had a pretty quiet week without any groundbreaking news, but there's always something interesting going on. We have plenty of decks you can copy if you want to either play some crazy decks or actually climb the ladder. Of course, it's one thing to copy a deck and another to figure out how to play it right. Still, quite a few options. In general, though, it's been a quiet week, and I'm guessing it's going to continue to be quiet until we hit BlizzCon and see what the team has in store for us. Until then, enjoy putting together fun decks.


Crazy Decks That Work

If you enjoy playing crazy decks that actually have potential, check out this story. It puts together some crazy decks like One Punch Paladin and Mill Druid that will offer entertainment while also giving you a chance at winning. While it's fun to play "serious" decks and win a lot, it's also very entertaining to play silly decks and go for crazy combos. Fun decks for fun times.


Meta Report Post Patch 9.1

If you were wondering where the meta stands after the latest patch and nerfs, read this story. It talks about the meta pre-patch and the state of each of those powerful decks after the patch hit. It also talks about the best decks post-patch, which you can use as a guide when deciding what decks to build for a strong run up the ladder. A good article if you want to have a sense of where the meta stands right now.


Best Decks of the Week

If you want to do some quality netdecking this week, check out this story that pulls together the best decks in the game. There are different versions of Highlander Priest (which has been dominating ladder), Aggro/Temp Rogue, Legend Quest Rogue, Jade Warrior, and others. All of them very powerful decks that aren't cheap to put together.


Hearthstone's Bosses Talk State of the Game

This interview with executive producer Hamilton Chu and game director Ben Brode goes into all kinds of interesting topics and is worth a read. They talk about the decision to release more cards this year than previous years, the choice to go with more expansions and no adventures, spoilers on the last expansion of the season in the original Year of the Mammoth announcement, and more. Worth a read, even if not much in it is news.


Best Hearthstone Podcasts

If you're a podcast listener and a Hearthstone fan, you're in luck because there are many great podcasts out there that you can enjoy completely free. There's The Angry Chicken, The Lightforge, Value Town, Well Met!, and plenty others. You can check them all here, and if you aren't in the habit of listening to them, you should because they are great resources and great fun too.


Blizzard App Helps You Chat With Friends

Blizzard has finally launched the mobile version of, and it works as you would expect it to. You can use the app to stay in touch with your Blizzard pals, chat with them, add new ones (including doing so through scanning a QR code), and more. Nothing groundbreaking here, but definitely a useful tool for those who enjoy playing Hearthstone. Read our story on it here.



Insane Priest Turnaround

Kripp on the Nerfs

WTF Moments #208

Mythbusters #42

Best Moments #106

Renounce Darkness Combos

Best of Rope Fails

Best of Top Decks

Fun Wild Legend Decks

Trolden's Funny and Lucky Moments #293


Best Meta Decks, Top Podcasts, Fun Videos, and More 'Hearthstone' Weekly News in 'Touchstone' #114 posted first on

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