Monday 18 September 2017

'Arkanoid vs Space Invaders' is on Sale for $1.99

Earlier this year, Square Enix released the incredibly odd mashup of Arkanoid vs Space Invaders [$3.99]. I grabbed it as soon as it hit the App Store, spent most of the day playing it, and then published a review explaining just how much I ended up liking it. Oddly enough, the combination of Arkanoid and Space Invaders worked incredibly well, particularly as the game got more difficult and you need to use an odd amount of strategy that is rarely, if ever, seen in a brick-breaker.

Check out that the trailer to see what it all looks like in action:

Originally launching at $3.99, Arkanoid vs Space Invaders is now on sale for $1.99. As of this writing, there's nothing in the iTunes description that mentions why the game is on sale or how long the sale will last, so if you had your eye on this one the first time we talked about it, definitely hop on this sale.

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