Tuesday 5 September 2017

Destiny 2 Activities guide: how you unlock and complete Flashpoints, Lost Sectors, Milestones, Challenges and more

Destiny 2 has a wider variety of stuff to do. Here’s how to get at it.

Like D1, Destiny 2 is an open world shooter in which the story campaign is just the start of the fun – and of your journey to the Power cap.

Destiny 2 drops you right into the story when you first create or import a character, and does a good job of guiding you onwards through the campaign with badged missions on your Director (map). But what if you want to do something else?

On this Destiny 2 guide page we’ll list all the available Activities, and explain what they are, how to get at them and how to complete them. We’ve put it in alphabetical roder to end a squabble over what should go where and to make it easy for you to find the information you want.

This page is part of our Destiny 2 guide, and is subject to change and updates as we explore the release build alongside all of you eager Guardians.



Adventures are side quests: narrative-driven missions available in each location which are not necessary for completing the main Red War questline. Adventures usually reward a bit of loot and XP upon completion, as well as a whack of region reputation to help you claim engrams from the region vendor. Repeatable once all Adventures in a region are completed; visit the region vendor to embark on Adventures again.

Call to Arms

Roughly equivalent to D1’s weekly Crucible quest, Call to Arms is a weekly Milestone capable of awarding endgame loot. It is played out in PvP, and issued by Lord Shaxx once he appears on the Farm during the course of the main story campaign.


Roughly equivalent to D1’s bounties, Challenges are a set series of three tasks for each Destination, refreshed daily. Unlocks after you return Ikora Rey to the Farm over the course of the story campaign.


The Crucible is Destiny 2’s competitive multiplayer (PvP) environment, and takes place across eight dedicated maps. Choose from quickplay or competitive playlists, depending on whether you’re looking for fun or want to challenge yourself. There are a variety of different modes, all played in teams of 4v4. Here are the ones we know about so far:

  • Clash
    Classic team deathmatch. No further objectives.
  • Control
    Hold territory across three capture points to earn points.
  • Countdown [NEW]
    One team must deliver a payload to an objective and guard it through a timer, while the other defends.
  • Supremacy
    Kill Guardians, then capture the crests they drop – if you can! – to earn points. Reclaim allied crests for points, too.
  • Survival [NEW]
    Teams can only revive each other a certain number of times, after which deaths are permanent through the end of the match.


A weekly Milestone challenging players to complete public events in a specific Destination in return for endgame loot. Unlocks after you return Cayde-6 to the Farm during the story campaign.

High Value Targets

Majors (named, yellow bar enemies) sometimes appear wandering around in destinations. Killing them nets you region reputation tokens.

Iron Banner

Bungie has not yet confirmed the return of its monthly PvP event, but we have our fingers crossed. Expect endgame loot if it does come back.

Lost Sectors

Marked on your map and in the world by an arch symbol, these short dungeons feature a mini-boss who must be defeated in order to claim a cache key for the nearby loot chest. The map icon will be greyed out slightly after initial completion, but the Lost Sector will repopulate with loot and enemies after some time.


This map menu tracks the goals you need to pursue in order to become stronger. Includes the regular weekly Milestones Call to Arms, Flashpoint and Nightfall as well as one-off quest tracking and other challenges. Weekly milestones reward endgame loot.


A more challenging version of a Strike, modified to present extra difficulties – or open windows for opportunities. One of the weekly Milestones, awarding endgame loot.


Short, non-story missions you can pick up while wandering in Destinations. Unlocked by a short quest, given after Cayde-6 arrives on the Farm during the main story campaign, and thereafter freely available.

Public Events

Tougher-than-average encounters that spawn in Destinations on a set timer, and which anybody in the vicinity can attempt to complete. Some are fairly straight forward battles, while others include objectives such as deactivating shields to gather weapons, defeating bosses or following enemies between waves. Public Events award region reputation as well as loot drops earned during the fight. Rare, more challenging versions of public events are called Heroic Public Events, and offer better loot rewards. You can “rally the flag” before a Public Event kicks off to alert clan members to your upcoming attempt and increase the chances of an Heroic event.


Long, very challenging missions designed for six player teams. No matchmaking, but Guided Games will help solos find groups. An endgame activity with chances for very good loot. The first Destiny 2 raid will open on September 13, and officially we know nothing about it. We recommend you get your Power as high as possible (at least 260) before making the attempt.

Region Chests (aka Treasure Maps, Chest Hunts)

Region chests are special loot chests marked on your Destination map. Hunt them down for a bit of loot and a stack of region reputation tokens. The map icon will be greyed out slightly after initial completion.

Scannable Objects

Some objects in the world can be scanned with your Ghost to yield a snatch of lore or dialogue. Listen for the soft clicking chime your Ghost makes when one is nearby, then bring up your Ghost and look around for an object marked with a silver mesh. Focus on it and follow the button prompt. No known rewards.


Lengthy co-op missions designed for three players, with a matchmaking queue. Accessible via the Strikes playlist node on the Director (map). Unlocks as you progress through the story campaign.


A weekly PvP challenge which Bungie has yet to detail, but which we know kicks off September 13. The name suggests it will be similar to D1’s Trials of Osiris, but leaks suggest it will be called Trials of the Nine. Endgame loot expected.

World Quests

Each of the four Destinations has a one-time quest linking together much of its open-world content. Awards loot, XP and region reputation. Cannot be repeated.

Destiny 2 Activities guide: how you unlock and complete Flashpoints, Lost Sectors, Milestones, Challenges and more posted first on http://ift.tt/2k0LiGW

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