Sunday 10 September 2017

'Exiles of Embermark' Expanding PvE and PvP, Game Can't Release Soon Enough

We've been keeping a very close eye on Exiles of Embermark because it's shaping up to be a great mobile game, and I'm putting emphasis on mobile here since it really feels like it's being designed with the strengths of the platform in mind. A recent developer blog post revealed some very fun new features that should make the game stand out even more. For instance, when you take out bosses, you can literally turn them into armor: imagine a wolf-pelt armor across your shoulders. That's a pretty fun idea and fits with the game's goal of making your victories and achievement matter as more than just statistics. The game is also adding PvP Rank System, which sounds very similar to Hearthstone's in terms of Rank levels. The game is also adding difficulty levels that should help with PvE replayability: the harder the level, the more the rewards, of course.

The game has also been overhauling the actual gameplay with the purpose of adding more varied Abilities and gameplay modes to increase the kinds of situations you'll have to adapt to. Now each player will have 8 Abilities instead of 4, which—along with some other changes—has added depth to the battles without becoming too complex. Along with making these changes, the developers have altered the UI to better fit the current state of the game, and all these changes are now coming online. The developer blog has many more details about the game, and I think I speak for everyone when I say I can't wait to get this game in my hands. Hop over to our forum thread for more on Exiles of Embermark.

'Exiles of Embermark' Expanding PvE and PvP, Game Can't Release Soon Enough posted first on

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