Monday 4 September 2017

Fantastic Solitaire Card Game 'Miracle Merchant' Makes $52,000 in First Month

Super-powered indie developer TinyTouchTales released their awesome solitaire-style card game Miracle Merchant [$1.99] one month ago. Miracle Merchant is an attractive, intuitive, and fun game and one of the best new titles of 2017. One of the things I like about TinyTouchTales is that they are very transparent about the sales of their games. This helps others get a look behind the scenes of mobile-game development which is fun to see and invaluable for new developers considering taking a crack at their first game. Miracle Merchant is no different and we now have a look at how well the game has done.

Buoyed by a prominent App Store feature the game did well in its first week and camped out in the top-200 paid games for quite the stay, topping out at #11 overall and the #2 card game. Miracle Merchant is free-to-try on Android with an IAP unlock and had significantly more downloads (53,785) than on iOS (30,656) but far less revenue. Overall, the app has made just over $52,000 with 84% of that coming from iOS.

That's a solid number for an indie developer in the first month, though TinyTouchTales says the game's reception has been mixed. Many gamers expected another Card Crawl [$2.99] or Card Thief [$1.99] where Miracle Merchant was always intended to be a much lighter experience. It's still a great game, however, and you should check out my 5-star review for more as well as the loads of comments in our forums.

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