Monday 4 September 2017

'Kingdom: Two Crowns' is Headed to Mobile, We Played the Switch Version at PAX

We're huge fans of Raw Fury's Kingdom: New Lands [$9.99]. It's an ultra-clever kingdom building game that's played as a sidescroller where the only interaction you have as the player is earning and spending gold. The fascinating thing about it is that through this one simple mechanic, the game is jam packed with all sorts of surprises. We get deeper into all this in out game of the week post, but needless to say, Kingdom is a very good game.

Apparently, the biggest request they got with the original Kingdom was multiplayer, which is exactly what they're delivering in the upcoming Kingdom: Two Crowns, where two players manage their kingdom at the same time. Here's close to ten minutes of gameplay on the Nintendo Switch:

Raw Fury is also working on bringing Kingdom: Two Crowns to mobile, they just have the sizable technical challenge ahead of them as to how to make it work. Personally, I can see it working very well as a local multiplayer split screen iPad game. I've had a ton of fun playing games like Astro Party [Free], and with Kingdom's similarly basic control scheme, it seems like it'd be equally rad.

Either way, we can't wait to see how this all pans out. Definitely download Kingdom: New Lands in the meantime if you haven't already.

'Kingdom: Two Crowns' is Headed to Mobile, We Played the Switch Version at PAX posted first on

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