Sunday 3 September 2017

'Reigns: Her Majesty' Developer Walkthrough - Live from PAX West

We posted our hands on with Reigns: Her Majesty from the show floor of PAX this morning, and while the booth they set up for it is super awesome for people walking by... It's not so great for shooting video. We reached out to Devolver Digital, who actually hooked us up with the developer of Reigns [$2.99] who was able to give us an up-close demo on his iPhone. Check it out:

Key takeaways are that the game is way bigger than the first, with 30% more cards as well as a unique zodiac system which will provide a constant twist on the game as certain events change depending on the zodiac symbol your queen is born under. It sounds like there's a bunch more to the game that they're hesitant to spoil just yet, but it goes without saying, we're ultra stoked for this game when it is finally released later this year.

'Reigns: Her Majesty' Developer Walkthrough - Live from PAX West posted first on

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