Monday 11 September 2017

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 beta details leak

The beta for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is less than four weeks away, and the entire contents of it have been leaked.

The details come from Reddit user Some_Info, who has a good track record when it comes to revealing Battlefront 2 details ahead of the time.

The Redditor previously showed screenshots of the closed alpha before it was announced. He also correctly leaked details about the game’s first showing at E3 before EA revealed them.

First, the post confirms some details we already knew. The beta is going to include the Assault on Theed map that supports 40 players, and the Starfighter Assault mode on Fondor for 24 players. What we do learn, though, is that Strike on Takodana will also be among the maps.

Interestingly, Some_Info says that Skirmish mode will be part of the beta. Skirmish was a co-op-focused mode in the original game that featured modified maps and an arcade-style scoring with power-ups and weapon pickups. The Battlefront 2 beta version of Skirmish is said to support split-screen and co-op for two players.


As far as playable heroes, the same roster show at E3 will be making a return with no changes. Meaning you’ll see Darth Maul, Rey, Han Solo, and Boba Fett. One of the new surprises the beta has that we haven’t seen before is the LAAT vehicle.

We’re not sure how it’s going to fit into the already available roster, but it’s possible it could show up on Theed, though likely won’t be controllable. The Reddit user also mentioned some graphical improvements compared to the E3 build, and about nine emotes for players to try out.

The Star Wars: Battlefront 2 beta takes place October 6-9. Pre-order players get access on October 4. It’ll be available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 beta details leak posted first on

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