Wednesday 27 September 2017

Super Mario Odyssey runs at 900p when docked on Switch

Super Mario Odyssey has had a resolution boost since its E3 showing.

This latest video from the brilliant folks at Digital Foundry goes in-depth on Super Mario Odyssey’s performance, based on a recent preview event.

As they point out in the video below, Super Mario Odyssey’s main performance goal is to maintain a consistent 60 frames per second, and they seem to be pulling that off docked and in handheld mode. The docked version now runs at 900p, up from the 720p resolution it boasted during E3; as this video explains, it’s likely that Nintendo aims to perfect handheld performance before boosting for docked; something similar happened with Splatoon 2 between preview events and the final release.

According to this video, the game looks and runs superbly, maintaining a consistent frame rate, although some very slight concessions need to be made for the game to run well in handheld mode. While it runs at 720p, resolution is cut in half during cutscenes, there are lower-res lighting buffers, bloom is slightly restricted, shadows are lower-detail, and the draw distance is slightly less detailed. These are all things you’re only going to notice if you’re really looking for them, though, and they’re likely to be less of an issue on the Switch’s smaller portable screen.

Interestingly, this video also explores how geometry settings shift during snapshot mode – open it up, and suddenly some distant rocks might look a little better than they did in standard gameplay, with the frame rate cut to your camera movements that come with this not really mattering because you’re not directly controlling Mario.

This is all good news for Mario fans. Alex loved the game when he went hands-on with it recently, too.

Super Mario Odyssey releases exclusively for Nintendo Switch on October 27.

Super Mario Odyssey runs at 900p when docked on Switch posted first on

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