Monday 4 September 2017

The Digital Board Game 'Armello' is Finally Coming to iOS, We Saw it at PAX West

The digital strategy board game Armello has a heck of a story behind it. It was originally announced as an iPad title all the way back in 2011. Following a successful Kickstarter, the developers, League of Geeks, shifted gears to make the game a Steam and console title. On those platforms, the game has seen incredible success, so much so that as of this year the studio has done its sixth profit share with the development team. (You can read about this on their blog.) Anyway, back in 2014 we posted that the game would be coming to iOS "next year." ...A few years later, and we got a look at it actually running on an iPhone on the show floor of PAX West:

I'm happy to finally be able to start covering this game in a more serious sense, as League of Geeks is awesome. The people who work there are rad as heck, the way their business is structured is super innovative, and the game has seem very positive reviews on Steam. I'll be first in line to play it on my iPhone (or iPad) once they're finally finished with their mobile port.

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