Tuesday 5 September 2017

You Can Stream Directly to YouTube Now Using ReplayKit

It's slowly but surely getting easier to be a mobile streamer. Days after Microsoft published its streaming app Mixer Create, which uses Apple's ReplayKit to let you stream from your mobile device, Google followed suit today and quickly updated its YouTube [Free] app to allow ReplayKit streaming as well. The official announcement for today's update points out that while you could use ReplayKit to stream to YouTube Gaming, now you'll be able to stream directly to the main YouTube app. Unsurprisingly, the announcement emphasizes how you can use ReplayKit to stream more than just games, mentioning the painting app Procreate's live stream capabilities specifically. At the same time, it does name check Asphalt 8 and Vainglory.

I'm interested to see whether ReplayKit will finally become an easy way to stream a great number of games using just your device or whether it will remain a niche application used only by a few developers. When ReplayKit was officially announced back in iOS 10, we were hopeful that mobile streaming would finally become extremely easy to do, but—as with many other half-baked Apple ideas—that hasn't panned out yet. Maybe now that the bigger companies are finally adopting the technology (although Twitch is noticeably absent still), we'll finally see ReplayKit become ubiquitous. At the same time, though, streaming straight from your phone doesn't offer that great of a quality, with weird angles and thumbs on cameras abounding. Would you use ReplayKit more if it was more broadly available?

You Can Stream Directly to YouTube Now Using ReplayKit posted first on http://ift.tt/2k0LiGW

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