Friday 8 December 2017

'Hidden Folks' Is Getting a Free Content Update and Android Release Next Week

I've seen Hidden Folks [$3.99] in an awful lot of short lists for the best mobile games of 2017, and for good reason: It's pretty dang awesome. Basically, if you haven't played it, imagine the basic concept of the classic Where's Waldo books, but applied to an exceedingly well-done touch game that feels like equal parts interactive toy and puzzle game. We go much more in depth in our review, but it's a very safe purchase.

Early this morning, Adriaan de Jongh tweeted out plans for the future of the game: Next week, on December 14th, Hidden Folks will be coming to Android and it'll be getting a totally free content update with three brand new snow areas. We'll post about it when it goes live, but, if you want a little extra reminder, they're also encouraging people to sign up for their mailing list.

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