Wednesday 19 July 2017

Destiny 2: here are some tips on all subclass supers and how to use them more effectively

Every subclass in Destiny 2 each has its own super ability, and we’re here to tell you all about them and offer some tips in the process.

In Destiny 2, each of the six subclasses feature a unique super ability, which is activated with the L1+R1/LB+RB on controllers.

You will need to use such important skills effectively in Destiny 2. Each requires charge to use, which will accrue in combat and can be increased with gear and ability modifiers.

Hopefully the tips we’ve provided below will help you in that regard. And no, we’re not talking about using the super glitch found in the beta.

Hunter Arcstrider super: Arc Staff

The Arc Staff is a great weapon when the right combos are used, plus it has unlimited Dodge energy in case you direct your hit wrongly or don’t land one in time. Movement is the key to success using the Arcstrider; stay with the action and your Hunter will automatically target the nearest enemy for you. Your job is to avoid getting hurt in the process.

When your super is full, fire it off to summon the Arc Staff. You can then roam the battlefield dishing out damage using the melee button. If you want to get fancy, though, there are a couple of combos you can try.

Here are the commands for the Arc Staff. Substitute RB and LB for R1 and L1 if you’re using an Xbox-style controller.

  • R1: This is the Arcstrider Hunter’s primary slash which is the basic, close quarters attack.
  • R1, R1, R1: This comb ends with a ground strike which dishes out light area of effect (AoE) damage.
  • R2: Used right after R1, you’ll basically push forward and a cone of arc lightning shoots out in front of the player after slashing. Since damage is doled out in a cone, it will hit a large number of enemies with high damage.
  • R1, R1, R2: Using these button combos will smack enemies in front of the Hunter in their big fat faces. The combo deals high damage and has a really cool AoE finisher.

Hunter Gunslinger super: Golden Gun

This one is rather simple, and very similar to the Gunslinger’s Golden Gun from the original Destiny. Just press the shoulder buttons to bring up a flaming pistol, then get off three devastating shots before the super bar drains; Golden Gun’s Solar Light vaporizes enemies.

One of the Gunslinger’s upgrade paths allows you to fire six shots from Golden Gun rather than the standard three.


Titan Sentinel super: Sentinel Shield

As previously reported, the Sentinel uses a Void Shield as weapon as well as to guard. The latter is super important, especially when moving towards an enemy, so don’t discount using guard.

Hit the shoulder buttons to summon the shield, then use the melee button to attack – or take advantage of the advanced moves below.

  • R1: Basic melee bash attack with shield.
  • Hold L2: Guard – self explanatory.
  • R1, R2: the Titan dashes toward and enemy, and then hits them.
  • L1: Shield throw – players will only get one shield throw per Super activation, unless the class is spec’d down the other path which is not available in the beta. And don’t waste this move on a single target, as it can bounce around hitting multiple enemies.
  • L1+R1: Pressing this button combo again while the shield is out will replace it with Ward of Dawn. A bubble is then activated providing the Titan and his group if nearby temporary damage protection. The bubble will deteriorate over time and this can plainly be seen by the players.

Titan Striker super: Fist of Havoc

Here’s where the Titan Striker goes Hulk Smash on enemies. Activating this move triggers a massive ground pound attack – but unlike the first game, in Destiny 2 your super stays active and you can roam around unleashing further attacks.

While the Titan Striker super is active, press R1 to shoulder charge – a cool dash move – or press R2 to perform another ground slam like the initial Fist of Havoc attack. The best combo usage is R1, R2 as it doesn’t send the Titan flailing all over the place, which will happen if you spam the R1 button.


Warlock Dawnblade super: Daybreak

This Super allows the Warlock to leap high into the air and channel Solar energy as blades, unleashing it on the enemies below. After activating the super, press R1 or R2 to throw blades at enemies under your reticule.

If you are specced with Icarus Dash, you can use Circle, Circle (B, B) to dodge in mid-air while using the Daybreak super.

Warlock Voidwalker Super: Nova Bomb

Another simple super, Nova Bomb unleashes a devastating projectile – but the Destiny 2 version has some interesting new possibilities.

Although you an spec for a pretty standard set-and-forget Nova Bomb, explore the Warlock Voidwalker subclass tree and you’ll see you can also activate a slow moving but tenaciously tracking version. Which of these two you choose depends on your playstyle, as they can both be deadly.

Of course, there are nuances to every class and each super for subclasses, and Arekkz goes over those in detail in the video above, so be sure to give it a through watch.

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