Wednesday 19 July 2017

Psychadelic Puzzle Classic 'Yankai's Triangle' Is Now Free for the First Time

Kenny Sun has amassed a formidable catalogue of releases since his 2014 debut on the App Store. Ever since Spectrum [$0.99] underlined his eclectic design principles three years ago, the Boston-based developer has released a succession of quality mobile gaming hits, with Circa Infinity [$2.99] and Yankai's Peak [$2.99] being bizarrely beautiful but also impossibly immersive puzzle games that suited the platform to a tee. Yankai's Triangle [Free] is potentially the weirdest of Kenny Sun's games thus far, as its colorful, psychedelic graphical design combined with its compulsive triangle-based geometry gameplay resulted in what can only be described as the Sgt. Pepper of the puzzle game genre. We awarded Yankai's Triangle a glowing five star rating in our review last year, and today the game has been reduced to the bargain price of free for the first time ever.

Yankai's Triangle was easily one of the best puzzle games of 2016, and featured on the oracle of mobile gaming Shaun Musgrave's best of the year list, as well as being a near miss on my equivalent ranking. However, seeing it reduced to free so quickly feels somewhat bittersweet. Yankai's Triangle is worth far more than even its initial $2.99 price point, so being available for free is a bona-fide steal. However, the game is quite outwardly weird, and I'd sympathise with any casual gamer who may be put off with the apparent complexity of the contrasting colors in the screenshots. Hopefully this promotion allows more people to experience the game, and even progress onto Yankai's Peak and whatever future works Kenny Sun blesses us with. Until then, be sure to act quickly and download Yankai's Triangle for free today, as there's no telling how long this sale will last.

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