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have you entered yet? you should. https://twitter.com/NRGgg/status/901476878229360641 … posted first on http://ift.tt/2k0LiGW
have you entered yet? you should.
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The Beastie Boys’ Sabotage is played out in video games marketing. Let’s try something new.
Destiny 2’s live-action trailer released overnight and, I don’t know – it’s not as embarrassing as these things usually are, I guess.
It was directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts (Kong: Skull Island and the upcoming Metal Gear Solid movie) and it’s got some really cool regional variations and Cabal physiology tidbits. So that’s nice.
But the musical part is Sabotage, which is just a bit overused in geek marketing by now. It does marry pretty well with the action, allowing for lots of sudden, emphatic gestures and bullet-time scenes, but that’s nothing we haven’t seen before, right?
What Destiny 2 really needs is something fresh and different – and here’s YouTuber Music Sharer with an example of a route Activision’s marketing team could have chosen, if they were bold enough to embrace a bright new future.
It works so well. It first perfectly. This easy listening FM station favourite has never been so intriguing.
Destiny 2 comes out on consoles next week and we all know it’s going to shift buttloads of copies no matter how Activision markets it. We don’t need all this Pop-Tarts and energy drinks nonsense; that’s about selling snacks, not games, such is the cultural force of video games these days.
It feels inevitable. Bungie staff could literally throw up in a bucket, film it decomposing and slap a pre-order link at the end – and Destiny 2 would probably still be a blockbuster.
The NVIDIA GeForce trailer for Final Fantasy 15 on PC shows off the game’s graphics potential.
Naturally, running at max settings with 4k resolution and 60 frames per second, the already very pretty game looks phenomenal.
We’ve seen footage of this ‘ultimate quality’ version before, but this is our first proper look at uninterrupted gameplay in the PC version. It shows your favourite Very Good Boys fighting some of enemies in the wild in a higher resolution than ever before.
It’s looking good. NVidia has also made a long post on their website about the enhancements coming to the PC version, which will use NVIDIA Flow, NVIDIA HairWorks, NVIDIA Hybrid Frustum Traced Shadows, NVIDIA Turf Effects, and NVIDIA Voxel Ambient Occlusion to present the most high-fidelity version of FF15.
Final Fantasy 15 is due on PC in early 2018, and will support Steam Workshop. On the exact opposite end of the scale, the Pocket Edition is also heading to mobile devices. It’s not in 4K, but hey – it’ll fit in your pocket.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will let you pull off the series’ most iconic move with motion controls, as the new trailer shows.
Dragon Ball games on Nintendo systems have let you do this in the past – most notably in the Budokai titles that made their way to the original Wii – but the improved tech in the Joy Cons should hopefully make the experience more palatable than it has been in past iterations.
In fact, it looks like everyone’s big ki attacks – Vegeta’s Final Flash, Goku’s Genki Dama/Spirit Bomb, Freeza’s, uh, big ol’ ball of death – can be performed with motions.
The game otherwise looks more or less the game as it did on PS4 and Xbox One, except now it’s portable, of course. Six people can play together if they’ve all got Switches and a copy of the game, which is nice (albeit, I’d imagine, a feature not many players will get to take advantage of). The trailer shows six friends working together to take down a Saiyan Oozaru warrior, which is pretty neat.
Xenoverse 2 for Switch will also feature the original Xenoverse 1 campaign as DLC, making this, potentially, the ultimate version of the game. It’s not necessarily the Dragon Ball game that people most want on the Switch, but it’s still a solid experience for fans of the anime.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 arrives on the Switch on October 25.
Destiny 2 brings back Exotics – rare and powerful boomsticks. Let’s take a look at the Wardcliff Coil, the Vigilance Wing, Hard Light and more.
Destiny 2 has a stronger focus on story but Bungie hasn’t abandoned the aspect most of us ended up obsessing over: Exotic weapons.
Less than a week from release, Bungie has managed to keep a fairly tight lid on Destiny 2, and so we still don’t know how many Exotic weapons there are, or all the details. As ever, though, we’re chasing every little sniff of Destiny 2 we can.
Below you’ll find a list of every Exotic we know or think we know will be found in Destiny 2, and for the more tenuous one, the video below has details of why we believe they’ll be included. Once we have hard facts, we’ll be updating to let you know exactly where and how to track down these bad boys, girls and weapons of more nuanced gender preference.
Where we do have solid info, we’ll use the following key to describe weapon attributes:
Previously known by the community as Dubious Volley or “Microphone rocket launcher”, the Wardcliff Coil was spotted in early Destiny 2 gameplay footage. Its nickname derives from an unreleased weapon of very similar – possibly identical – appearance discovered in the D1 database. However, the new, official name has since been confirmed by Destiny 2 creative director Luke Smith.
A recent guide leak gives us the following information, the executive summary of which is: if Xur is selling this during week two, holy hell, buy it.
In the form we originally saw it in the Destiny 2 console beta, the Riskrunner was thoroughly broken, synergising with the Warlock class ability to provide eternal ammo. Bungie soon sorted that out, and now using it really does mean running a risk – but if something zaps you with Arc energy, of, wow – can you give it back.
The Sunshot is a strange blend of the precise, sharpshooting action Hunters love to much, and the ability to spread the fun around with splash damage. Enemies you ping with the Sunshot will be highlighted, which is pretty neat for keeping track of the action, and they’ll also explode. What a good time!
The ultimate pray and spray weapon for all you frontline hipfire fans, Sweet Business kicks up into overdrive as you hold the fire button down – and will automatically reload itself as you walk over ammo pick ups. It’s sort of like a minigun, with an opportunity to never break off firing. Ideal. Leave the ironsights to the Hunters and wade into the action.
The Coldheart is a trace rifle – a new weapons category, of which it is the only example at present. It looks a lot like it fires a laser beam. You get this from a quest if you pre-order Destiny 2 (among other things, potentially) but we expect it will eventually be available to everyone, somehow.
We don’t know if the Coldheart fires an elemental energy or is classified as a kinetic weapon, though we suspect it goes in the Power category. More details as we have them.
Outed by the same leak that gave us the Wardcliff Coil stats above, Vigilance Wing sounds like a great weapon for those who enjoy playing in groups. Both its intrinsic perk and trait are about making the most of clutch when your allies are down, while its other capabilities mean it should make a very solid all-purpose kinetic. If you prefer to stick to small arms fire, this is gonna be one to watch.
This one also leaked from a guide ahead of release, but that’s okay – it’s no surprise to learn D1 favourite Hard Light is back in the game. In Destiny 2, Hard Light can be switched between three elemental energy affiliations, which is sweet, but it also brings back its old tricks. You will be headshot from across the map (thank goodness it’s not a kinetic weapon, with bonus critical damage). You will be shot in the back by someone in front of you, who seems to have missed. You will be shot when you’re standing behind the target. You will want one for yourself.
The Borealis is a PlayStation exclusive Exotic sniper rifle, which we know nothing else about. Well, if you look at the footage through that link, you’ll see it can be purple, blue or orange, which suggests it can fire all three elemental energy types.
In Destiny 2 you can’t change the elemental affinity of Exotic weapons with mods like you can for normal energy weapons, so it’s likely this is related to its intrinsic perk or trait, or that you can choose which of the three versions you want, something like the sword quests in D1.
The weapons below are the nebulous ones, but Arekkz explains where they come from in the video above.
The potential new Destiny 2 exotic spotted in gameplay footage is an arc shotgun. We don’t have any details on it, but it has a unique visual feature where after firing the sides change shape and you can see arc energy playing across the body of the gun. Something so unique looking is almost certainly an Exotic, since Bungie would be avoiding showing raid weapons.
Similarly, the next one is a sniper rifle with some weird blueish wires or coils on it which seems to have some sort of special ability which highlights enemies. We only see this really briefly in Destiny 2 footage, so there’s little else to say here.
More certainly, there’s new Exotic hand cannon which was shown on screen during the Destiny 2 gameplay reveal – during the discussion of new Exotics. It was also in display in a props case at the event, and like – just look at it, with its charging rats engraving. The prop version had an enormous magazine and it seems to fire quickly, so this may be an automatic hand cannon.
An ornately carved example of this new Destiny 2 weapons category, this grenade launcher looks like it delivers a powerful single shot with a slow reload.
In another shot we can see a fusion rifle with a really interesting design. It’s shown alongside the Wardcliff Coil, and as the video below notes, Bungie usually shows Exotics in groups in trailers; there’s no reason to think Destiny 2 will break this habit.
There’s another weird one in another snippet of Destiny 2 footage, which we’re guessing is another kind of Exotic grenade launcher. It has a really unusual design and reload animation, and may even have some sort of void wind blast effect.
What in the hell? There was a real mystery weapon displayed in the props cabinet at the Destiny 2 reveal event. What is it? Is it even an Exotic? Who knows.
We’ve seen some other Exotics which we can clearly recognise from D1 – but only in the hands of NPCs, so we don’t know whwther they’ll be available in-game, or whwther they’re just there as a nod to continuity since our arsenals were blown up. The weapons in this category are No Land Beyond, a sniper rifle; Ace od Spades, a hand cannon; and Razelighter, a sword.
Destiny 2 releases next week on PS4 and Xbox One, with a PC version due at the end of October Check out our Destiny 2 intel hub for more information.
What Exotics are you looking forward to in Destiny 2?
Shadow of War’s executive producer passed away during the game’s production, but he’ll live on in-game, as this surprisingly soulful, decapitation-heavy trailer shows.
Mike ‘Forthog’ Fogey has been re-envisioned as Forthog Orc-Slayer, seen here saving Talion from, appropriately enough, an orc. The rest of the trailer shows him tearing through enemies, but with a greater feeling of pathos and sentimentality than you might anticipate.
The trailer ends with a message from the development team:
“Mike ‘Forthog’ Forgey was our Executive Producer and great friend here at Monolith.
We lost Mike to cancer during the development of Shadow of War and we want to remember and honor him with a little bit of immortality in Mordor.
WB Games will donate $3.50 of every Forthog Orc Slayer purchase to the Forgey family through December 31, 2019”
This applies to sales made in the US, “excluding purchases made from AL, HI, IL, MA, MS and SC”. These purchases will not be tax deductible. It’s not clear from the trailer how much Forthog will cost, but it seems his in-game function will be to show up sometimes and save you from taking a beating. Neat. Shadow of War will have several characters who can fight alongside you, so Forthog should fit right into the world he helped to create.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War will release on PS4, Xbox One and PC on October 10.
A tweak to how Engrams work in Destiny 2 mean that you’ll no longer be able to accidentally screw yourself out of good gear when you decrypt them.
In Destiny 1, it was advantageous to equip your highest-light gear before heading to the Cryptarch, as the quality of the loot the Engrams would drop was determined by your light value when you decrypted them. This could be a tedious process, meaning that you’d need to spend time going through your inventory and maximizing your number each time you wanted to decrypt.
This has been changed for Destiny 2, thankfully, with a new system in place that determines your potential highest light count the moment you pick up an Engram. This change has been outlined as part of the latest This Week At Bungie update on Bungie’s site.
Investment Designer Daniel Auchenpaugh outlines how the new system will work, and it certainly sounds like it’ll streamline the process. He writes:
“Rewards determine their power at the time they’re earned. This means that, when an engram drops in Destiny 2, it decides its power at the time it drops. Also, when we roll rewards, we look at your character’s level and your best possible gear to determine the power of the reward. This is true for Crucible end-of-match rewards, Engram drops, Strike rewards, etc.”
The best possible gear will count equipment that your character owns, even if it has been left in the vault or isn’t equipped. This means that getting Engrams decrypted is going to be less stressful – you don’t need to worry about the gear your Guardian is wearing or using, because your potential is being taken into account. Wouldn’t it be nice if all things in life worked that way?
Destiny 2 releases next week on September 6 for PS4 and Xbox One. The PC version will follow on October 24. Check out our huge Destiny 2 guide for everything we know about the game right now.
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The Division’s next update sounds like a good ‘un. Let’s take a look.
As detailed earlier in the week, The Division update 1.8 includes a map expansion, new PvE and PvP modes, a social space, new weapons, and changes to Rogue mechanics and gear optimisation.
Want a bit more detail on that? You’re in luck – here’s Arekkz with the fine detail – or read on below the video for text format.
Resistance is the new PvE mode in The Division, in which players battle progressively difficult waves of enemies. It’s designed to range from casual to hardcore, with rewards to match, and solo players are welcome to try their hand without grouping up.
The new PvP mode is Skirmish, a 4v4 mode with no AI or objectives – all you need to do is kill other players. It’s played on much smaller, condensed maps, specifically designed for team deathmatch combat.
The new map area is called the West Side Pier, and it has two zones. It has a new AI spawn system so you get a different experience each time you enter, and in this area, the enemy factions work together – so you’ll be facing combinations of troops you’ll never have seen before. Although you can free roam in most of this area, there are places that are only accessible via Skirmish and Resistance. To prevent you needing to travel back and forth to a Terminal all the time, there’s a social space on the edge with all your usual vendors and services.
To keep you busy, you’ll be entertained by regular mini missions called Alerts, which spawn around the map and drive you to complete various tasks of different lengths and challenge. You’ll earn loot and Division Tech as you complete alerts. This means D-tech is finally available to PvE players, and so it’s coming back into the economy as part of the new gear optimisation system, which unfortunately has not yet been detailed. (If you are a PvP player, you might want to start farming D-tech now.)
Ubisoft also teased some new Exotic weapons and something story related, but we don’t have anything more to go on yet. The Division 1.8 is due in northern autumn on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, so we can expect more information on all of this over the next few weeks.
Let’s unpack the new Destiny 2 trailer.
A live-action Destiny 2 trailer dropped overnight and since I’m sick this week and Matt is letting me do whatever I want out of fear I’ll die and leave all the email to him, we’re going to talk about it a bit.
The first thing I thought upon viewing the trailer was “what an oddly English-sounding opening. Cup of tea? Morning fry up? Is Cayde-6 … British? Somehow?” Given that video games marketing tends to assume that everyone who views their marketing is several eggs short of a carton, it seemed unlikely that the Destiny 2 trailer would include elements which might concievably confuse a small number of Americans.
I popped over to the official Destiny YouTube channel where, as usual, there were a dozen or so variants of the new trailer. This is standard practice, because trailers need to show the right ratings body markings as well as present in multiple languages, but if you click through the different versions you’ll see that each is slightly different. The American version substitutes a skinny no foam vanilla latte for both the cup of tea and the fry up, says ketchup for red sauce, and includes surprise birthday parties and Taco Tuesdays instead of Sunday roasts and comfy slippers.
Many of the other variants are much the same as the US version, but generally include at least one regional food speciality for those nations who don’t embrace tacos as lovingly as the rest of us, and may include a reference to garden gnomes, which just form part of a montage in the English language versions. Here’s the German one, for example:
Isn’t that interesting? I think it’s interesting, but I popped some cold and flu meds this morning. It’s also a little frustrating, because it reminds me that Bungie hasn’t made any efforts to really dive deep on its fiction and think about what human culture might be like after being reduced to just one city (and as of Destiny 2, not even that) and instead gone with just generic western culture, slightly tailored to the viewer’s perspective. Well, whatever!
The trailer itself is alright, although Sabotage is a bit tired and the emphasis on bang-bang-action somewhat detracts from the enormous dignity and majesty of the game about shooting space faces I sometimes catch myself believing in before I quickly shut my hand in a drawer and shout “it’s just a video game, Brenna!”
But I’ll tell you what I do like about the trailer: a look at some of the Cabal troops. The Destiny Grimoire suggests the Cabal has absorbed multiple species in its time, and most specifically that the Psions may be a subject race. Who knows whether Bungie will retain this or chucks it out now that we know it doesn’t really have a lore bible (or, ha ha, whether it ever actually explores this interesting matter or just ignores it like most of Destiny’s terrific potential story hooks), but let’s just assume it’s still canon for now.
So anyway: how creepy is the wet-looking Psion with its bulging brain pan with throbbing veins! Is that a tattoo around its eye? I love it. (Side note: I don’t love that Psions are snipers now, because they kept shooting me during my hands-on, but at least they’re not as annoying as Taken Hobgoblins, and they certainly needed a little buff.)
Here’s a more familiar Cabal species – maybe the original race, or maybe one they bred up to be their front line grunts. Turns out our space rhinos have terrific angler fish-like teeth. You could see this sometimes in D1 if you managed to pop a helmet and the corpse fell just right.
Worr! Well, that’s the end of my Destiny fan nerdery for the moment, although you can expect me to continue spamming headlines for the foreseeable future since Destiny 2 releases on consoles next week and I don’t care about anything but it and cough syrup.
The PC beta ended today, by the way, but we’ll see Destiny 2 on PC at the end of October.
Our next #OWPS bouts: Sep.1 19:00 | VG vs Lucky Future Sep.3 19:00 | VG vs Celestial @PlayOverwatch #Overwatch http://pic.twitter.com/vEVvDklPlW
Easyhoon says: 非常感谢我在低谷的时候也陪着我的粉丝们和关心我的大家。谢谢我的队友和教练给我重新站到lpl的机会。这一次在lspl的经历给了我很大的勇气。再一次感谢支持我的粉丝们因为有你们我才有继续坚持下去的动力。
Feels good to be back home! #LPL http://pic.twitter.com/RmF6Puh5as
Hello, gentle readers, and welcome to the RPG Reload Play-Along. Each month, we'll be playing an iOS RPG together, sharing laughs and tears in equal measures. The post on the front page (like this one!) is basically here to announce the game in question and give a few tips on getting started. The real action will be happening in the TouchArcade forums, where you'll find a thread dedicated to each month's featured game. Sign up if you haven't already, post your screenshots, ask for advice, or just chat about your misadventures with others. We've got a great community of RPG fans here at TouchArcade, so let's make the most of it!
August is a busy month for many people, and that is perhaps as good an explanation as any for the somewhat muted reception to the Chrono Trigger Play-Along. We had our lowest turnout for a Play-Along yet, with the thread barely cracking the 50-post mark. Oh well, these things happen! One cool thing is that our very own Eric Ford participated in the Play-Along on Twitch, and he might just finish the game in time for the end of the month. You can do it, Eric! At any rate, it's high time we moved on to the next game, and since we've been doing JRPGs all summer, I thought it might be prudent to mix things up a little this time around. Thanks to everyone for participating in the August Play-Along, and I hope you'll join in again!
This month, we're entering the realm of action-RPGs with a Play-Along dedicated to Bastion [$4.99], a stylish effort from Warner Bros. Interactive and Supergiant Games. The game debuted on the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade service in July of 2011 and made its way to a wide variety of other platforms in the following years. Bastion arrived on iOS in August of 2012, and it proved to be a really good fit for the platform. While it's not a terribly long game, it is an interesting one. If you want to join in you should expect the game to take not much longer than 10 hours at most and perhaps a few hours less if you're quick.
Bastion was the debut title from Supergiant Games, a small developer founded by ex-EA employees. The game was a smash hit, ultimately selling over 3 million copies and garnering tons of critical praise and awards. I know we have a large contingent of fans of the game here at TouchArcade, too. While the RPG elements are a little light, I'm hoping this game's broader appeal might encourage some players who don't normally participate in the Play-Along to join in. Worry not, die-hard Reloaders, we'll be back to the heavy math battles next month. For now, let's enjoy the story-based ride that is Bastion as a way to cleanse the palate after a few months of Square-Enix's greatest hits.
As for me, I'll be searching once again to try to find that something special in Bastion that others have found. I've played through this game a couple of times before and found it to have a great presentation but not a lot else to recommend it. You might think it's silly for me to keep coming back to it under such circumstances, but I've ended up appreciating quite a few games I would have otherwise dismissed through such methods in the past. Will this be the time? I suppose we'll see! That said, since I'd hardly call myself an expert at Bastion, I'm not going to pretend to be able to give you a terribly good guide for it. If you have any questions, there will surely be some people in the forum thread that can steer you in the right direction.
In general, though, you'll want to focus on mastering the combat. It's pretty much the alpha and the omega of Bastion. Learn how to evade effectively, and make sure you're hitting attacks with the right timing to maximize your damage. Ranged attacks should be released just as the kid starts flashing for power attacks, and your shield should be raised just before an attack hits you to trigger a counter. Take full advantage of the Proving Grounds and any other special areas you come across to gather up items and beef up your levels in general. Once you feel comfortable with the combat system, try turning on some of the Idols for the greater rewards yielded from the increased difficulty. You can always turn them off if it's not working out.
As ever, all you need to do to join in is to grab any version of the game and head on in to the September 2017 RPG Reload Play-Along thread in the forums. Don't have a forum account? That seems awfully suspicious for a TouchArcade reader! I'll forgive you this time, but you should probably go and get one if you want to get in on this. Once you've done that, pop by the thread and say hello. You can share your adventures, get advice, or just chat in general about this month's game with your fellow Reloaders. If you've got screenshots, we want to see those, too. I'll see you in the thread!
Next week, it's time for another Classic Reload. I've decided to celebrate Simogo's anniversary and the many updates they've issued by replaying Beat Sneak Bandit. What could possibly go wrong? We'll see you next time, and thanks as always for reading.
Next Week's Classic Reload: Beat Sneak Bandit [$0.99]
Minecraft's [$6.99] Marketplace continues to expand at a steady monthly pace, and today we got some more fun content. The first one is Lapis Lagoon, a water park world that's perfect for when the weather is boiling outside (like today, for example). This Imagiverse map has some fun ideas, and I especially like all the water racing and, of course, the huge dragon. We also got Isles of Aeria by Polymaps, a chain of floating islands with all kinds of different biomes. Floating islands have always been a player favorite, especially when we briefly thought we were getting a sky dimension. And floating islands are great for using the elytra wings and pretending you're a bird.
If you're more into survival spawns, Noxcrew's most recent one is called Ninjas Vs Samurai and is precisely that. There are Ninja temples, Samurai strongholds, and, of course, plenty of sword fighting. The Marketplace also got a huge castle in Whiterock Castle spawn, and the Abstraction Vector, a new map that breaks the usual Minecraft geometry into abstract shards and beams. It's really unusual and definitely challenging to navigate. If you've been looking for more content to play around with, maybe one of these maps will do. I'm thinking of checking out those floating islands since I'm one of those players who just can't get enough of that.
Capcom announced today that it's planning on bringing Puzzle Fighter, the sequel to the classic Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo (and its HD Remix remake), to iOS and Android before the end of the year, so if you enjoy puzzle games with your favorite Capcom characters, you're in luck. The game will get a new look and new features, and will include characters such as Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li from Street Fighter, X from Mega Man, Morrigan from Darkstalkers, Frank West from Dead Rising, and more. In terms of features, the game will have real-time PvP battles, single player content, and more. Puzzle Fighter will of course be a free to play title, so you should know by now what to expect in terms of monetization.
For those who've never played the original games, Puzzle Fighter has you picking a character and two "assist" characters and matching gems as you try to take out your opponent. The assist characters can enhance the main character's abilities, so there's plenty of strategy in which characters to pick and how to go about building up combos. And you get to do your matching is some very iconic arenas from Capcom games. The game should be soft launching pretty soon, and the worldwide release should come before the end of 2017.
We've been keeping a close eye on all the 32-bit games that will vanish from the App Store once iOS 11 hits around September 12th, and today we got some more official information on the fate of 2K's titles. First of all, XCOM: Enemy Within [$9.99] will be pulled from the App Store, but 2K plans to upgrade the game to 64-bit at a later date. Now, those who remember the Bioshock drama know that 2K doesn't always follow through on promises to update apps, but one can hope. There are no dates in the announcement, so we have no way of knowing how long XCOM will be on the sidelines waiting to join the good fight. Still, I'm hoping to see XCOM stick around, and if not, hopefully we'll see more recent XCOM games and expansions find their way onto the App Store.
While XCOM might see a 64-bit update in the future, games like Sid Meier's Pirates!, Ace Patrol, and Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies will officially go the way of the dodo. While it's definitely a shame to see these games go, most of them are pretty old by now, and I'm pretty sure those who would have played them have already done so to their hearts' content. Still, losing any game is never fun. If you want to grab any of the games on this list that won't see a 64-bit update, be sure to do so before August 31st because 2K plans to pull them on that date. And let's hope XCOM eventually joins the 64-bits party.
This weekend Jared and I will be at PAX West in Seattle, Washington. We opted to attend this conference instead of E3 this year, as the amount of mobile stuff at PAX last year was pretty overwhelming. As far as what to expect this year, I'm really not sure, PAX can be a bit of a mixed bag both as far as the games we'll see as well as the connectivity we'll have. I've got my fingers crossed that the hotel WiFi gods are kind, and we'll be able to get everything online as we see it over the weekend... But things rarely seem to work out that way. So, potentially prepare for a PAX onslaught next week? Maybe? Who knows!
If you're going to be at PAX West this year and want to show us your mobile game (and haven't already talked to us) the best way to get in touch with us at events is via Twitter. I'm @hodapp and have my DM's open, and Jared is @JaredTA. PAX can be a pretty hectic event, but, reach out and we can meet up somewhere! Even if you've just got something small in progress, we'd still love to shoot some video of it and get it up on the site.
Anyway, if anyone needs me until then, I'll be continuing to pray and provide offerings to the hotel WiFi gods.
Battlefield 1’s In the Name of the Tsar expansion arrives next week for Battlefield Premium folks, and here’s a look at two of the maps they’ll get early access to.
Come September 5, Battlefield 1 players with a premium pass will be able to jump into In the Name of the Tsar before the doors open to everyone else September 19.
In the video below from Westie, we get a look at the Volga River map. It features a ruined battleground ripe for tank battles between the Bolshevik Red Army and the Russian White Guard.
It’s rather cold, as you can tell, but there are makeshift shelters players can take respite in while also keeping themselves safe from the barrage of heavy firepower.
This is the second Russian Civil War map to be revealed alongside Tsaritsyn.
Called Galicia, the next map you see is set in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains in the Russian countryside, part of which is now present day Ukraine.
In the midst of the Brusilov Offensive, which is considered one of the most lethal offensives in history, the Russians are fighting to push back the Austro-Hungarian soldiers. This open map focuses on infantry, cavalry, and light vehicles.
Other maps included with In the Name of The Tsar are Brusilov Keep, Albion, and Lupkow Pass which is playable now.
Two other expansions for the shooter are also in the works: Turning Tides and Apocalypse. The expansions will be released in December and early 2018, respectively.
If you have yet to jump into the shooter, you might want to check out the Battlefield 1: Revolution Edition. It includes Battlefield Premium, which will grant automatic access to the previously released They Shall Not Pass expansion, and In the Name of the Tsar come September 5.
Obviously, you’ll have to wait on the other expansions to be released, but you will be granted early access to them two weeks ahead of time.
The Revolution Edition is out now on PC through Origin, PS4 and Xbox One.
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https://twitter.com/NRGgg/status/901476878229360641 …
A few months back we wrote that Microsoft was working on an app called Mixer Create [Free] that would make mobile streaming much easier and help the company take on Twitch, and that app is now live for both iOS and Android. Microsoft is betting on making streaming through its service a more interactive experience than a platform like Twitch by turning latency down to almost zero and by allowing viewers to influence gameplay. Specifically, Mixer will offer very low latency, which should make streamer-viewer communication much better; gone are the ten second delays you have to deal with on Twitch.
While that might not sound like a big deal, the delay is actually quite annoying. For instance, I often stream Telltale games on our Twitch channel, and I want to get the viewers involved in the choices I have to make. However, I can't do it because of the latency. In addition to the low latency streams, Mixer Create also lets you combine your stream with up to three other mobile, PC, or Xbox One streamers into a single viewing experience, which should be fun for multiplayer games.
Now for the bad news. If you're planning on streaming iOS games, keep in mind that you can only do so with games that support Apple's ReplayKit, and there really aren't many of those. If you're on Android, you can stream any game you want, but iOS is an enclosed garden, so there are always restrictions. ReplayKit has been around for a while now, and Mobcrush has been successfully using it. Still, it hasn't seen widespread adoption, but maybe Mixer being around will push more developers to add ReplayKit functionality (although I wouldn't hold my breath). If you want to try Mixer out, download Mixer Create to stream or Mixer [Free] if you just want to watch other people's streams.
Aim assist is causing quite a few Destiny 2 players on PC to pull on their hair when participating in PvP.
According to various rumblings online, some participants in the Destiny 2 PC beta found a way to trick the game into assuming a controller is plugged in, which has aim assist built into the controls.
Folks are saying these players are benefiting from aim assist while also reaping the benefits of mouse and keyboard precision. In short, players have found a way to plug in controllers and add aim assist to their KBM setup.
This is especially grievous to those participating in PvP as it provides an unfair advantage, which is why some PC players want aim assist disabled in PvP.
“People will take PvP less seriously knowing there are sanctioned aimbots among the playerbase, and it will irreparably damage not only the engagement of [the] most ardent players but if you have designs on making this an Esport, you can kiss those goodbye,” said Destiny player Alcnaeon on the official forums.
Going through many threads on the subject on reddit, NeoGaf and the Bungie forums, players are only concerned with this issue in regards to PvP, not PvE.
Bungie is, however, aware of the conversation surrounding aim assist on PC and even anticipated the subject being broached.
“It’s a conversation we will continue to monitor,” said Bungie’s community manager Cozmo. “Please continue to share honest feedback about your experiences in the wild. This is why we test. We’ll talk more after the PC Beta.”
Reddit user DontReadIntoItPlease pointed out this sort of issue was also present in the Overwatch and was removed after it was brought to Blizzard’s attention. Turns out, folks were using devices such as the Xim 4 mouse and keyboard adapter during the Overwatch beta.
Destiny streamer Dr Lupo tested things out on PC using the adapter, and told PC Gamer using the device will still never be as precise as a native mouse and doesn’t seem to imbalance PvP game for casual players.
“In reality, with how the aim assist has always felt to me within Destiny specifically, I don’t see XIM or a controller as different from each other,” he told the site. “In my opinion, in Destiny’s sandbox, because of how the aim assist (AA) has functioned, a controller with AA is on-par with a mouse with AA via the XIM. The problem I was stating was regarding AA in general in a shooter where native mouse aim (no AA) and any [assisted] aim type (controller or XIM) going against each other would cause issues.”
He went to states that any auto aim system might cause a bit of trouble within the community, as many feel it provides an unfair advantage. perception of an unfair advantage.
“People will look for anything to blame,” he said. “XIM is a usual suspect, depending on opinion, so people will point fingers without any personal experience of their own.
“Players are [currently] shaming others for using a controller. This means the ‘ego’ issue is already at play. And we’re not even done with the beta.”
If you click through all of the links, you will become familiar with the current discussion.
The Destiny 2 PC beta ended today, which means Bungie has plenty of time to figure out how to make both camps happy before release rolls around on October 24.
PS4 and Xbox One players can start playing Destiny 2 next week on Wednesday, September 6.
A few weeks back we wrote about Zen Pinball [Free] getting the Universal Classics Pinball pack that will bring pinball tables based on the classic 80s movies Jaws, Back to the Future, and E.T., all excellent movies that I'd watch any day of the week even though I've seen them so many times. After giving us the trailer for the E.T. table, today it's Jaws turn, just in time to remind you why generations of kids were too scared to set foot in the ocean. The new table will let you play various scenes from the movie, and you'll have to track and take out that great white shark that sees swimmers as breakfast. And, in a fun twist, the new table will also let you play as the shark. What better way to have fun than eating hapless swimmers?
There's also another Jaws-appropriate mode that turns the table into a raging sea, and you're going to have to try your hardest to keep the ball in play. All those modes sound like great fun to me. And, as always, the Zen Pinball tables have great visuals and fun gameplay ideas, so definitely looking forward to getting my hands on the Universal Classics Pinball. No release date yet, but we're definitely going to need a bigger table (sorry, I just couldn't help myself).
iOS has become quite the home to Capcom's Ace Attorney franchise. Initially we had the HD Trilogy [Free] release that brought 3 amazing Nintendo DS games to modern devices and it is absolutely a must play. Capcom then released Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies [$0.99] which is the 5th numbered entry in the franchise. Apollo Justice [$0.99] is the 4th and that finally made its way to iOS a few months ago.
The only English release we are missing at this point is Spirit of Justice which is Ace Attorney 6. There are a few Japanese only releases for DS and 3DS and the biggest release that hasn't been localised for 3DS is Dai Gyakuten Saiban (The Great Ace Attorney). This is finally available on the App Store and Google Play in Japan. A localisation is still unlikely given the Sherlock Holmes and Watson characters and the legalities involving those names. Watch the announcement trailer for the Nintendo 3DS version from back in 2014 below:
If you'd like to check it out in Japanese on the Japanese App Store, go ahead because it is available now. The Google Play version is a premium release at around $23 and you can check that out here.
Arena Masters [Free] gets a new King of Fighters collaboration. NEXON has teamed up with SNK for exclusive content in Arena Fighters from King of Fighters '98 and more. Arena Masters launched worldwide in April and it brought real time PVP action as a focus with different modes like Team Deathmatch, Zombie Virus, King of the Hill, and more. It launched with more than 10 heroes with unique abilities.
The latest update that is now available brings powerful King of Fighters characters and events into the fray. There are unique missions for each of the SNK characters and completing all the special event missions will rewarded you with rare items. Check out our forum thread for Arena Masters here.
The Guardian in The Evil Within 2 is a menace and then some.
A menace to one’s life to be precise, what with being made up of various body parts and packing around a sawblade as a weapon. And let’s not discount the eerie laughter emanating from its mouth. Or mouths. It has three heads after all.
Lordie, The Evil Within 2 is destined to give us nightmares.
What you see in the video below was taken from a hands-on demo many outlets – including VG247 – were able to try, as well as attendees at various conferences. It takes place rather early on in The Evil Within 2.
This is the demo PAX West visitors will play this weekend should they stop by the Bethesda booth and fire up The Evil Within 2.
The sequel will feature more robust customization and crafting features, will be less linear, and players will have more than just the Guardian to contend with. There are monsters of the human variety in the game too, such as Sebastian, an artist turned psycho killer who captures the moment of death.
The Evil Within 2 will be released on October 13 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment just announced the start of pre-registration for Game of Thrones: Conquest. Hot off the heels of Game of Thrones Season 7 ending, you can now pre-register on iOS and Android for a new MMO strategy experience. You play as the head of your own house and need to claim the Iron Throne. There will of course be characters from the HBO TV Show here like Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryn, and Tyron Lannister.
Pre-registering will allow you to get $50 of in game goodies when the game goes live. This includes the Prepare for War Bundle with exclusive Night's Watch training gear and in game consumables like gold and other resources. You can pre-register on the official website here. This MMO has been developed by Turbine and will be available on iOS and Android devices later in the year. Get ready to raise your own powerful army, sabotage enemies, control the Seven Kingdoms and more in Game of Thrones: Conquest.
A few years back, I reviewed an enjoyable puzzle game called Circix [Free]. In that game, you had to connect circuits in the correct fashion to get past each stage. Setting aside the theme, the core puzzle of the game was in thinking about how each node had to relate to its neighbors. Well, the developer behind that game recently released a new puzzle game called Taps [$1.99]. On the surface, it's completely different from the neon electronics theme of Circix, but it follows a similar idea of building its puzzles around logical relationships. Taps feels more polished, more unique, and more carefully thought-out than its predecessor, and it's just as devilishly challenging once it gets going.
Taps is a little hard to explain, but let me give it a try. Each level presents you with two 6 x 6 grids of numbers. Your goal is to make the bottom grid look like the top. Tapping on any point on the grid makes the number on it and its cardinal neighbors increase by one. Double-tapping decreases the numbers by one. You can only activate each point once. Tapping it again simply returns it to its inactive state. It's pretty easy in the beginning, as it's rather obvious where you need to tap in order to avoid any of the numbers going over, but it starts heating up about halfway through the standard set of puzzles. The advanced puzzles add in the double-tapping mechanism right from the start and begin getting a little tricky before you're even through the first set.
The game includes three different modes of play. Standard mode contains 100 levels that only use the single-tap mechanic. The earlier stages usually only require you to tap a few numbers to win, while the later ones require as many as 21 taps. Once you get a feel for how things work, clearing these stages is a fairly methodical process no matter how complex they are. It's sort of like Picross in that as you play the game more you learn to seek out that one loose thread that unravels the rest. The Advanced mode contains another 100 levels, this time with the double-tapping mechanic in play. It's no less of a logic puzzle, but it's a lot more difficult to keep track of the sequences of moves you need to take. Finally, the Custom mode allows you to generate a level with your desired difficulty and set of rules in action. This is where you'll be spending your time after you beat the other two modes.
Completing both of the campaign modes will take you at least a few hours, and with leaderboards in place tracking your best times for each difficulty level, there's plenty of reason to keep playing the custom mode after that. If you're not concerned about the leaderboards, however, there's no reason you can't just chill out and take your time on each puzzle. Taps takes well to this kind of approach, actually. There's no penalty for taking back any of your moves, the game's appearance and UI are soft, and the wonderful soundtrack is mostly made up of lively jazz. One of my major criticisms about Circix was how empty its presentation felt without any music, and the developer has certainly corrected that here.
Taps is a little too slow to get going properly, and the late game screams out for at least one more layer of complexity or a twist of some sort. These aren't huge problems but it does lend the game something of a rote feeling after a while. You'll learn every technique you need to learn by the time you're less than halfway through each mode. After that, you just have to apply those techniques logically to see every subsequent puzzle fall before you. Oh, you might make a few mistakes here and there, but those are easily corrected. Those looking for a nail-biting, tense challenge probably won't get into Taps. This is about untying knots, and like that job, it's best approached in a calm and orderly fashion.
If you don't mind that sort of leisurely pace, you'll probably really enjoy Taps. It's a very soothing game, and I think it's a better experience all-around than Circix was. I also like that's it's not trying to sell me anything extra or make me watch incentivized ads for retries. That feels like it's becoming rare in the puzzle genre on iOS these days. Mellow though it may be, Taps is a pretty good time for those who enjoy plowing through piles of logic puzzles.
Whether it's a major triple-A release from a traditional gaming powerhouse, or a smaller gem from an up-and-coming indie developer, it's always a joy to write about iOS games for TouchArcade and contribute to the greater recognition of the platform within the gaming industry. However, there has been one unfortunate exception to this, with the impending 32-bit Appocalypse meaning many classic titles I quite literally grew up with are soon to disappear from the App Store. Super Glyph Quest [$3.99] was one such game, and featured as a particular standout in our recent guide of the best mobile titles that will die with iOS 11. However, thankfully it appears that our list has prompted the developer to ensure one of 2014's best puzzle games will soon survive the cull, as Super Glyph Quest has just had an update submitted for 64-bit compatibility.
@hodapp Look what you made me do. http://pic.twitter.com/zbv0HjtYUU
— Alex Trowers (@BulkPaint) August 31, 2017
In may ways, Super Glyph Quest reminded me of the legendary Dungeon Raid [$0.99] that we singled out for particular praise a few weeks ago, as its eminently simple core gameplay concept of matching colored glyphs combined with its surprisingly deep and immersive RPG elements were a lot of fun in practice. Even though Super Glyph Quest did receive a sequel in Glyph Quest Chronicles [Free] - check out our recent review for more details - the second game in the series remains the most essential entry, and therefore it's fantastic to see it survive the 32-bit Appocalypse. It's also great that the list that I painstakingly compiled a few weeks ago has had an effect on both fans and developers in resuscitating their older titles, assuming Alex Trowers' tweet isn't just a humorous excuse of referencing that new Taylor Swift song. Whether you played the game back at its release, or if this is the first time you've heard of the title, definitely give Super Glyph Quest a go to reward yet another proactive developer taking one further step to ensure mobile gaming history isn't eradicated by the demands of modernity.
Released back in 2014, BattleLore: Command [$6.99] brought Fantasy Flight's board game BattleLore Second Edition to digital life. The tabletop game is fun and one of the better two-player unit-based warfare games out there. The iOS version features the same tactical warfare found on your tabletop and of course offers the opportunity to take on the AI in a single-player campaign or another human being via online multiplayer. A just-released version updates the game to make it 64-bit compliant, thus saving it from the digital dust bin of history. Fantasy Flight is working through their iOS hits, having updated Elder Signs: Omens [$3.99] earlier this year.
BattleLore: Command isn't as shiny and new as other strategy offerings and is perhaps showing its age, but it's still a fun game and I'm glad to see it updated for iOS 11 and beyond. It's worth checking out now that the game is safe for the future. If you want to know more before you buy check out Shaun's 4-star review or head on over to our forums.
Get ready to sacrifice some of your health because this week's Hearthstone [Free] Tavern Brawl is Blood Magic - Standard, and it's all about paying life for spells. This tavern brawl is a Standard version of Blood Magic from back in February. The rules are pretty simple: all your spells cost health instead of mana, so there are some crazy opportunities for the kinds of turns that make your opponent concede as quickly as he can. You can even pull off one-turn-kills if you build the right deck and get a good opening hand. Not surprisingly, many reddit users are complaining about the great number of Druid decks already populating this brawl, and given how strong those decks are, it was to be expected. Keep in mind that you'll take damage equal to the mana cost of the card the moment you play it, so reducing card cost pays off.
In terms of strategies, Mage has some very strong spells, like Pyroblast and Fireball, that can lead to a one-turn-kill if you're lucky, Paladin's buff cards like Blessing of Kings work great, and Dinosize with cheap charge minions (hello, Stonetusk Boar) can also do great damage. Plan for matches to end by turn 3 or even earlier. The Brawl is live, so go see how fast you can take out your opponents, and chime in the comments with good deck ideas.
It seems Bungie’s post-launch content plans for Destiny 2 have been revealed ahead of time.
According to a report, the first DLC drop for Destiny 2 will arrive in December, will focus around Osiris, and supposedly it’ll be titled The Curse of Osiris.
This is according to sources speaking with Kotaku, who also provided a few details pertaining to the Lighthouse and a new patrol zone on the planet Mercury.
As Arekkz notes in his video, it sounds as though Destiny 2 players will be trying to save Osiris from the Vex. This means, if true, players will finally get to meet the well-respected warrior.
Along with The Farm, another social space will be available in the Lighthouse. It will be nice for those who didn’t cut the mustard in the Trials of Osiris to finally enter the thing.
Destiny 1 players needed to achieve a Flawless Victory of nine wins and zero losses in this Crucible tournament which was held in Osiris’s honor.
This isn’t the first bit of leaked information to drop regarding Destiny 2 this week. A trophy list outed the name of the first raid: Leviathan. Recent glitches in the PC beta reportedly showed what folks thought was a giant space whale looming over Nessus.
Nothing is confirmed at this time though, on anything you’ve read in this post, and won’t be until Bungie drops the goods.
Destiny 2 is out next week on PS4 and Xbox One. It arrives on PC October 24.
The open PC beta ends tomorrow – unless extended.
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes [Free] continues to expand, and the latest update has added a new feature called Territory Battles. Territory Battles are all about letting your guild get together and trying to conquer as many territories of the battlefield as possible. Each territory has its own objectives and activities, so this feature shouldn't feel repetitive and grindy. Territory Battles come with time limits, and the more Territory Points your Guild earns within that period, the better the rewards at the end of the event. Any reason to play with friends is welcome, and it looks like Territory Battles will require coordination, which should make the whole thing more fun.
The new mode will let you go on Combat, Platoon, and Special Missions, each with different objectives. Combat Missions will have you battling through multiple waves of enemies using a custom squad, Platoon Missions have you using your expanded character collection, and Special Missions look like the Combat ones but have some great rewards, including Rebel Officer Leia Organa. If you've been playing the game, Territory Battles should give you more things to do and another fun way to get rewards. The new feature is live now, so go coordinate.
Nintendo hosted its Nindies Showcase earlier today, detailing 20 of the many indie games heading to Switch.
Indie games featured as part of Nintendo’s showcase today included offerings from the Super Meat Boy and Shovel Knight franchises, as well as collaborations with games such as Suda51’s Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes.
Let’s skip rambling about everything and just get right to it, shall we? We’ve added additional information along with trailers and all descriptions were provided by Nintendo and individual press releases.
Super Meat Boy Forever (Team Meat) -2018
In this beefy sequel to the fan-favorite original game, players will once again leap off walls, dodge buzz saws and perform incredible feats of 2D platforming. In this game, though, levels get more challenging each time they’re beaten. With an updated control scheme, new ranking system and daily challenges, players are going to want to keep coming back for seconds.
Dr. Fetus is being a jerk again, but this time he’s kidnapped Meat Boy and Bandage Girl’s adorable little baby girl, named Nugget. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl will be put through the grinder as they jump, slide, punch and kick through 6 chapters containing randomly constructed levels that increase in difficulty each time you rank them up.
Beat a level, it ranks, next time you play it you get a harder version of that level until you eventually master it.There are bosses, secrets, dying, awesome music, beautiful art, and dying. Also if that isn’t enough, there is a Dark World with extremely hard levels for those of you that like that sort of thing.
Shovel Knight: King of Cards (Yacht Club Games) – early 2018
This final adventure in the Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove saga is fit for a king. Travel through four new worlds and 30 new courses to discover how King Knight ascended the throne and became one of the Order of No Quarter.
Play as King Knight, as he travels through four new worlds in order to best the Three Kings who rule over the land. Features platforming, fun visuals, action-packed courses, new bosses, collect tons of new weapons, armors, abilities, and followers and play a game of cards.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (Suda51, Grasshopper Manufacture) – Switch exclusive, 2018
Seven years have passed since the events of No More Heroes, and The Bad is determined to exact his revenge on Travis Touchdown. Just like the original cult classic, players will have to battle through multiple punk-rock levels and defeat over-the-top bosses.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes launches exclusively for Nintendo Switch in 2018. More details about the game will be revealed in the future.
Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition (Cardboard Computer, Annapurna Interactive)
This episodic tale is loved by many, and now it’s coming to Nintendo Switch. Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition, which includes the debut of the long-awaited fifth and final act of the series, lands on Nintendo Switch in early 2018. It will also release on PS4 and Xbox One alongside the fifth act on PC (finally, yay!).
SteamWorld Dig 2 (Image & Form Games) – September 21
In the sequel to the award-winning original, as a lone Steambot in search ofa lost friend, her and an unlikely companion must dig deep, gain riches and explore an underworld riddled with danger. But time is running short, it seems.
SteamWorld Dig 2 will also be released for PC and PS4 a few days after the Switch launch. It will run you $19.99/€19.99/£14.99.
Dragon: Marked for Death (IntiCreates) – Switch exclusive, winter 2017
Go it alone or team up with three other friends in this 2D side-scrolling action-RPG from many of those who brought you Mega Man Zero. The game features 30 large quests and four classes to choose from, players will have hours and hours of action to fight through.
Dragon: Marked for Death allows up to four players in either local multiplayer or online multiplayer.
Battle Chef Brigade (Trinket Games, Adult Swim) – first on Switch holiday 2018
Orcs, elves and humans have one thing in common – a need to feed. Battle Chef Brigade is one part combo-based action game, one part match-three puzzler and an all-around feast for fans of 2D animation.
Battle Chef Brigade features fantasy chefs, including Orcs, Elves, and Humans, who need to hunt dangerous monsters for ingredients. With those ingredients, before the critical eye of the judges, the chefs create culinary masterpieces in an intense tournament. Battle Chef Brigade pairs one part combo-based action hunting and one part puzzle-based cooking, all as the round clock ticks down.
Golf Story (Sidebar Games) Switch exclusive, September
Most role-playing games are about slaying dragons or retrieving mystical crystals, but this RPG lets players equip golf clubs instead of swords. It features a dramatic story with a diverse cast of characters to meet, golf challenges to beat, upgrades to earn and equipment to collect.
Golf Story combines the sheer excitement of golf with a serious story that plays out over eight different courses. Play the story of a golfer who is forced to give up all that he holds dear for one last shot at accomplishing his dreams.
But all is not so simple in the world of golf. To best today’s players you have to be able to keep up with them both on and off the course.
Floor Kids (MERJ) – first on Switch, holiday 2017
This rhythm-based action game lets players bust out fresh moves, earn respect and recruit dancers through a variety of locations. Play the game’s single- or multiplayer modes with either traditional or touch-screen controls.
This breakdance game features dance battles, freestyle gameplay, and funky beats. Discover original hand-drawn animation, a fresh soundtrack by Kid Koala and innovative controls that allow you the freedom to play the way you like. Lead your crew of bboys and bgirls through the city, unlock new characters & locations, battle against your friends, discover new combos as you rock to the beat, and find your style.
Wulverblade (Fully Illustrated, Darkwind Media) – first on Switch, September
Get nostalgic for the classic beat-’em-ups of the ’80s and ’90s with Wulverblade, a rich, hand-drawn, two-player co-op, 2D action game set in war-torn ancient Britain.
Wulverblade is a side-scroller set in ancient Roman Britain. Two players battle side-by-side to defend the northern tribes from the invading Roman army. Fight across eight real locations as the rich historically inspired story unfolds before you.
Poly Bridge (Dry Cactus) – Switch console exclusive, holiday 2017
Flex your engineering muscles in this bridge-building simulator that proves it’s just as fun to fix things as it is to watch them fall to pieces. Hundreds of levels and hours of physics-based puzzles will gear players up to create their own incredible bridges and puzzle levels to show their friends.
Earth Atlantis (Pixel Perfex, Headup Games) first on Switch, fall 2017
As one of the last survivors of humanity, players must explore an underwater world and hunt down monstrous creature/machine hybrids in this side-scrolling shooter.
The Great Climate Shift” struck at end of the 21st century. Ninety six percent of the earth’s surface is underwater. Human civilization has fallen. Machines have adopted the shape and form of marine animals.
The ocean is full of creature-machine hybrid monsters. You are a “Hunter” and the new journey begins…
Earth Atlantis is a side-scrolling shooter with an original “Monster-Hunting” gameplay. Search and hunt down dreadful sea monsters and explore the post-apocalyptic underwater world. Unlock multiple ships with special weapons and abilities for your journey and become a legendary hunter!
The game is presented in a very unique and artistic “Old Sketching” visual style, which expresses the essence of the 14th century’s ocean exploration when the sea was considered a dangerous place full of monsters.
Next Up Hero (Digital Continue, Aspyr Media) – early 2018
Everyone dies in this community-driven online action game. But once one person dies, an echo is left behind. The next hero can then revive them as an AI companion. Choose from nine heroes and wield various weapons.
Next Up Hero is an arcade action-adventure driven by Community Continue, in which players take turns fighting and dying against tough-as-nails monsters, one hero at a time. Revive fallen heroes to fight by your side, build your army, and take out the boss together. Everyone dies. Heroes continue.
Mom Hid My Game (KEMCO) – 3DS, Switch -late 2017
Players must push their imaginations to the limit in this seek-and-find game about, well, seeking and finding a game. Mom Hid My Game will release on Nintendo systems with exclusive stages.
Mulaka (Lienzo) – early 2018 with exclusive features
Battle mythical creatures, solve puzzles and undergo magical transformations in this lush action-adventure, inspired by northern Mexico and the indigenous Tarahumara culture.
Dive into northern Mexico’s breathtaking landscapes with Mulaka, a 3D action-adventure game based on the rich indigenous culture of the Tarahumara. Renowned for their impressive running abilities, embark on the journey of a Sukurúame – a Tarahumara shaman – as you fight back the foulness corrupting the land, while drawing upon the powers of demigods. From solving puzzles in environments inspired by real Sierra Tarahumara locations, to heated hand-to-hand combat with creatures pulled from the region’s mythology, find out why the Tarahumara have earned a reputation for being superhumans.
Mulaka will also be released on PC, PS4 and Xbox One in early 2018.
Yono and the Celestial Elephants (Neckbolt Games, Plug In Digital) – October 12 (PC too)
Many adventure games have a distinct lack of elephants … but that’s all about to change. Yono is here, and he’s basically a one-elephant army that runs, opens chests with his trunk, head-butts bad guys, sprays water and throws explosives. You know, normal elephant stuff.
Elephants are a mighty protectors of the world, born from the stars once per millennium. This is the age of Elephant Yono. But Yono is still so very young and in a kingdom inhabited by feudal Humans, undead Bonewights and robotic Mekani, it’s not easy to keep one’s trunk out of trouble.
Yono and the Celestial Elephants is a grand adventure, featuring carefully designed puzzles, treasure hunts, a sprinkling combat and a world full of people. Play as a young elephant tasked to save a world he’s never seen before, and explore the rich history of a kingdom where humans, zombies and robots live side by side.
Morphies Law (Cosmoscope) Switch console exclusive, winter 2017
A new trailer that debuted during the Nindies Showcase showed off the uniqueness of this upcoming shooter. In the game, each weapon hit transfers mass from the victim’s inflicted limb to the corresponding limb of the wielder of the weapon.
As an immediate consequence, skilled players become tall and easy to hit, whereas beginners shrink until they become difficult targets. Highly skilled players may therefore play with casual players in the same match and both can enjoy the Game. Your skill will not be expressed by your kill-death-ratio, but by your body size.
Different body sizes require different strategies. A player with tall legs can jump on buildings, small players can hide in tiny holes. The size of every limb has an impact on your abilities and properties. For example the behavior of your butt-rocket depends on the size of your lower body. A successful player adapts to his own body-size.
A successful team builds its strategy around the body sizes of its members. In team games the team avatar combines the sizes of all team members. The team with the tallest team avatar wins. Friendly fire does not change your team’s avatar size and can therefore be used to implement advanced team tactics. Shift your team mass from one player to the other to get your whole team to an advantageous position. Or designate an offensive player and shrink him to make him difficult to hit. Then, once he grows by decimating the other team, transfer his mass to your defensive players by showering him with friendly fire. Used the right way, friendly fire can be a crucial part of your team strategy.
Sausage Sports Club (Luckshot Games) – first on Switch, fall 2017
Sausage Sports Club is a physics game about floppy-necked animals competing on a reality sports TV show. Duke it out with up to eight friends in Free Play, where you’ll compete in tons of game modes like Soccer, Sumo and Capture the Flag. Players can also explore the toy-filled Overworld and get to know the show’s other melodramatic competitors in a 1-4 player replayable Adventure mode. You’ll unlock new characters, skins, hats and arenas along the way.
Light Fingers (Numizmatic) first on Switch, early 2018
One to four players will manipulate a magical clockwork board in this turn-based multiplayer game featuring real-time challenges, devious opportunities for misdirection and, of course, lots of loot. With procedurally generated boards, players will never play the same game twice.
Nine Parchments (Frozenbyte) – holiday 2017
In this local and online co-op game, up to four players battle strange creatures and mighty bosses while wielding an ever-changing arsenal of spells. Nine Parchments is a blast ’em up with plenty of magical mayhem.
Runaway apprentice wizards seize the opportunity to complete their spellbooks by going after the lost Nine Parchments. As the would-be wizards rapidly acquire powerful new spells without learning proper safety measures, it’s natural their hasty progress results in plenty of deadly accidents.
Nine Parchments combines real-time spell-shooting action with RPG elements – level up your character and collect magical loot, filling your wardrobe with a myriad of wizard hats and powerful staves.
Nine Parchments will also release this holiday season on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Many of the aforementioned titles as well as others will be on-hand at PAX West this weekend at the Nintendo booth. If you happen to be attending, be sure to stop and give some of these a go.